Thread: Pratyeka-buddha
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Old 12-08-2017, 08:40 AM
Gem Gem is offline
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Originally Posted by Bohdiyana
Volition leading to karma is an interesting idea.

The way I see it, the un-enlightened state, which is the karma producing state, is where one is fully identified with mind/thought so is basically un self aware, or commonly said to be in an "unconscious"state. One is operating in a kind of hypnotized state where one takes the thoughts to be self and just unconsciously goes with it creating a delusional experience of now.

One definition of volition is "the faculty or power of using one's will." So what is the "one" in that unconscious state described above? The ego, the self created through identifying with thought acts. Makes choices. But really it seems to me the true "self" is not acting. The self created by ones conditioning, by identifying with thought, and all of that is acting. The true self is witnessing, experiencing the self it has created through identification with mind.

Enlightened persons do things. Buddha reached enlightenment and no longer created karma. So in Buddha's case, volition did not create karma? But then if one is enlightened, does one act because of volition? Seems like in the enlightened, the act or volition or will is used to choose the enlightened state, not the action. The action comes forth because of the nature of the unconditioned state. So there is no self creating action, thus, no karma is created.

It's interesting though because to me there is a strong and disciplined action or act of will in the enlightened. So there is volition, but it's source is liberated consciousness itself. Consciousness chooses to be awake. To not be identified with mind. To be free from one's conditioning. From that state, action flows naturally without effort or mind. Out of beingness. So no karma is created.

So the idea, volition is karma, is true in one sense, in the un-enlightened. But then volition in the enlightened, is not karma. Volition in the un-enlightened, is a product of ego-self. Volition is the enlightened is the will of true self to be awake and aware and to be non-identified with ego/thought.

Well, all volition is kamma, and it isn't just what we regard in English as intention, because unintentional reactivity is also kamma and produces 'results'. An 'enlightened one', rather than exerting volition in the action reaction cycle that perpetuated rebirth, emanates the endless love endemic to our 'true nature'. Some monks call that 'volition' because they perceive it to be 'good-will'. But the enlightened one has seen through the delusion of themselves, and understands that volition is and always was a delusion born of ignorance on one's true nature.
Radiate boundless love towards the entire world ~ Buddha
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