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Old 17-06-2019, 11:38 PM
RSF424 RSF424 is offline
Join Date: May 2019
Posts: 76
I mean that I try to stay focused on this iteration, my current lifespan as the person I currently am. Not getting to wrapped up in who I have been in past lives or when I might going in future lives. I have in the past become obsessed with figuring out who I used be and where I might be next to to the point that I stopped living in the present moment entirely, fixated on the concept of immortality.

What’s important to me is to live my life as if it was my only one. Regardless of how much I believe in reincarnation or afterlife or whatever, because no one can be absolutely certain of such things. That means staying grounded in what I can observe and what can be verified by others by trying to improve things now. In case we do only live on in the memories of others.
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