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Old 18-05-2017, 07:00 AM
Melahin Melahin is offline
Join Date: Dec 2015
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Maybe we simply are here to enjoy exploring our vast and expanding imagination as it takes form in this world. For a moment just imagine the intense focus our source must hold for our spirit to manifest in such a magnitude of beauty; and the lack of focus or belief it takes to not feel the full magnitude of that. I get that when people live in a world of turmoil there can be a tendency to project ones own fear upon others in an attempt to control reality like eternal damnation if you does not do as I say (or go to bed with no desert or Santa won't give you a present). But as little as we can control nature, as little can we control the nature of others, we can only limit ourselves, and in that see a limited version of the world we live in... and from there I get the feeling of being punished for something long gone, or the lack of interest in going back to a place that feels less than you want to feel. But what about all those who through out the centuries have experienced a world that goes far beyond the limits of the popular view of this as a 3D world, all those who experience a world that is infinite, not to say the far greater amount that these days sense it, and only slightly is waking up to through the idea we are entering a new age, or an idea that the level in consciousness is rising... but the truth is the world is not really changing, only our perception of it... because its infinite potential has always been there, thus your potential to be infinite within likewise... personally I am eager to see where this new age or whatever is leading us as a whole... and where my curiosity will take me next...

...but sure in some worlds it might have been easier, but I think we understood the "challenge" from the get go, and knew we had the capacity to enjoy the journey we embarked on with such great joy
I am the flower, the tree, the vine. I am the path
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