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Old 18-06-2016, 02:49 AM
row37 row37 is offline
Join Date: May 2016
Posts: 73
I think it has very little importance, and I'm an artist! While I am interested in it and make images in different mediums, on the whole big picture it's not worth much compared to good health and a positive, constructive, compassionate life. It's often good entertainment, and I love watching ballet by the best dancers, love going to a gallery or museum and seeing great art, all that.

It has it's place, but you have to watch out for all the self serving hype that is associated w/ it too, especially from people that want to sell you something. On one level, art is a commodity, and often attracts all the wrong people that skillfully prey on the creative types. In my life, nothing beats a good conversation, lunch w/ friends, riding my bike, sitting at night and watching the sky, swimming in the ocean, etc. After a while you soon discover that the art of happiness is the best art of all. Art doesn't save lives, doesn't pretend to tell the truth (even Picasso sad that all painting was a lie), doesn't lead to a higher appreciation of anything except perhaps art, etc. One person serving a meal to a hungry poor person, one person who adopts a lonely and scared discarded animal at a shelter and brings it home to feed and love it, performs a higher function than all the art ever created or ever will be created.
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