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Old 04-02-2013, 05:15 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Ciqala

Forgive me,
I realize some of these questions are oftentimes left unspoken in societies moral code, but am curious to know:

1. What is Death to you?

2. Are we just fleshy blimps in some meaningless stew of cosmic oblivion?

3. Why do some people put death on such a pedestal? Some fear it, and some are mesmerized it, like those who go on Gore Sites and watch snuff films for shock value.

4. What is the ultimate meaning of having a body? Why is it so important, if all each of us are made of the same thing, blood and bones, and if we all die the same anyways?

5. How have you learned to see everyone for who they are on the inside, instead of just their bodies? And do you love and respect your own vessel?

6. Is there a spiritual meaning or reasoning behind the action of murder? What are your views on it, and have you ever thought of taking someones life or just how easy it would be to? Thoughts...

7. Why is the human body so resilient and built for survival yet other times death happens so easily?

8. Why should gory deaths bother us if we know the person whom has died, does not feel it? Or is it just that we are putting ourselves in their shoes?

9. What do you think about ancient egyptian mummification? According to myth, they didn't think they were preserving their bodies for the underworld, but instead, to be able to come back to life some day. Possible? Impossible?

10. Is there spiritual background to those who have sexual attractions to the dead?

11. Lastly, if bodies are such perfect creations, (and they are undoubtfully if you study anatomy) then why do we have to void our bowels all the time, among other disgusting and annoying things?
And ultimately, if they are so amazing, why would we not take them with us after we die? Why are they just left to rot?

1. stuff happens
2. I'm a person
3. people are creatively weird
4. there is no "ultimate" that currently makes a difference... we just have a body... take care of it...
5. when I'm around another person I feel stuff... I respond to that... I couldn't begin to create a human cell, nature creates around 30 billion a day inside my body, and effectively disposes of those that have died... how could I not respect that!?
6. murder is a dumb way to make and keep friends...
7. define "easily"? death usually occurs after years of bodily abuse through poor diet and neglect... of course we sometimes fall from high places, now that's an easy way to die..
8. oye
9. oye
10. oye
11. ... but if you did study anatomy then you would know...

"Why are they just left to rot? "
they don't just "rot"... they become food for other creatures much like other creatures are food for us... this cycle of life is quite fascinating.... :^)
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