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Old 09-09-2013, 06:56 AM
Posts: n/a
Hi Smiler!
"..and there are answers there from questions I still am asking "

i totally agree with you. There are questions that stay hanging, years if it is necessary, and i think that the answer will come when we are ready to hear it.

one time a priest told me, you are what is that good for if the people can not understand you ? i was young and more concerned about getting things out my chest, that using the gift for a good purpose. Now i am older ( i hope a bit wiser, i doubt it) but i do have learned to keep my mouth shut, if what i see will bring more negative things than positive....if the time is not right, let us say.
getting older is a beauty! because the impatience of my youth begins to recede and allows me to see things from a different perspective. greetings!
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