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Old 07-09-2013, 02:47 PM
Smiler Smiler is offline
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Do we formulate our beliefs via Our experiences?

I grew up with a mum who was strict 1920's Catholicism and a dad ....who I thought was ..a tad Crazy .. he talked about Charka's and things I had not heard of as a young teen..Dad was crazy lol ...Sorry dad ..

Of course anything I heard , saw , felt or experienced ..was the devil after me..or my imagination as a child.

So years pasted .. In my 20's things unexplainable happened .. my x husband at the time witness some things materialization of solid objects into reality..being a scientist .. he still remembers and prefers it never mentioned .

Dead people died and went to heaven or hell ..or limbo etc etc..
I did not believe in Ghosts.
Some one should have told the Ghosts . I see and always have
people ..who have passed that come my way.

I did not believe in past lives ..that was rot..crazy I thought.
In the 1990's I was experiencing the strangest things ...I did not seek experiences ..they unfolded. I could see peoples past lives and my own..and I would discuss this with lecturers at uni.

I did not believe in entity's

Surely God was an old man in the Sky .. ..Experiences continue to unfold ..and what I did not believe in at all ..nor heard of in any way ..became a part of my life...I had to learn ..and I did this through guides of light which yes I do see and hear well as guidance from a old lady in the Australian Bush. ( I did not want to be crazy ...I struggled with understanding what was happening..)

I pray still ..and I am blessed to feel the love and light of God .

My experiences all these years later are still unfolding ..( it is endless). What I am learning is ..that it is not what I think that makes all of reality.. here. Firstly there a millions ..or is trillions of thoughts out there ..and they travel..Secondly some things that are not ..visible to many ..but certainly felt by a few .. Do exist.

How do I know this ..because I am taking photo's with my little camera.

The point of my post .. is I ..never say never.

It is infinite what reality is ..our mind reality is the thing that keeps us in compartments. And a person seeing or experiencing "negative things" Is not necessarily negative ..nor having needed to draw that experience or experiences in.

They very well are likely to be a beautiful bright light inside , and maybe they sparkle a tad more they stand out.

Any Thoughts?


The one thing that can enslave or liberate you is your ...........................thought............................

quote~by Bernard/George

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