Thread: smoking tobacco
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Old 30-12-2017, 06:17 AM
open2it open2it is offline
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Posts: 104
Louise L Hay is an awesome writer about spiritual healing and the metaphysical aspects of disease. I lost my book of hers on healing and I need to get another one. It listed all types of disease and self problems and their corresponding causes. I have been part of healings and I also know others that were able to call forth healings. Yes there are phonies out there but yes spiritual healings are real and happen all the time.

I smoked heavily for over 30 years and perhaps it does involve a self issue of love but I don't think I ever felt my smoking was taking anything from someone else. I know nicotine is a drug and like any drug we do get a high from it. Or Possibly a high is not the correct terminology. Perhaps it is more like a cloud to cover things we don't wish to deal with.

I quit smoking around 9 years ago because it was either quit smoking or die from hyperventilating due to coughing. What have I learned since I quit is that I eat more and I feel it isn't so much I am hungering for food but perhaps I am hungering for something not tangible.

Smoking does curb the appetite big time. IMO it isn't that food tastes better to people after they quit smoking because I really don't see that as why quitters get fat. I believe the smoking covered the inner desire/hunger for something and it wasn't food. I can eat a big dinner and be wanting to eat again soon afterward. If our smoking, as you say, is because of our self hatred then why when people quit smoking they don't feel better or worse about themselves? I suppose some do but I really didn't notice that myself.

I had noticed many times the nicotine BUZZ and often it actually gave me a dizzy feeling that I had never experienced smoking weed when I was a young man. Smoking calms the nerves or perhaps it also calms the desire/hunger we are subconsciously seeking.

Louise and you may be right but I don't feel that was the case for me. But I sure don't have a degree to back that up either. I can only go by my experience.
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