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Old 22-02-2018, 12:18 AM
Iamit Iamit is offline
Join Date: Mar 2017
Location: West Wales. u.k
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Originally Posted by slash112
I agree.

Example, we hear all over the place, the term "Ego Death". But what is Ego? It is "conscious mind". Left-brain makes up most of the conscious mind. The rest being unconscious/subconscious mind. Are they saying we're best off just shutting down half our brain? No... at least, they should not.

I understand that Ego death isn't actually the removal of Ego. It's the taming of it, and putting it in its place. We are so much more than conscious mind.
It's also the removal of "fabrications" which Ego creates.

Subduing the mind is indeed an impossible task. But attempting to do so does actually help with the removal of fabrications. It even helps discover some truths.

But I prefer to see the whole thing as "taming the mind". It should not be ignored, it should be tended to.

There are various definitions of ego. For me it is the made up character designed and constructed by mind in response to, and to protect us from, rejection. Mental hospitals are full of people whose ego has disintegrated. We undermine it at our peril.

Once it is seen for what it is, there is no longer any need to dismantle it. As with mind, it can just be left to do its job. Neither are in any way obstacles to ending the feeling of disconnection for both are simply Oneness manifesting as those protections for us. Ironically it is only when mind is persuaded by certain arguments that it is an enemy, that it appears to turn on itself as an enemy. A most dangerous state of affairs.

Last edited by Iamit : 22-02-2018 at 02:13 AM.
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