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Old 01-03-2018, 10:46 AM
Shaunc Shaunc is offline
Join Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 765
Originally Posted by Gem
I think the second post said cause is aversion and desire.

To me it seems like things have been said before and we like to take them as answers and repeat them. I have heard all these same answers very many times.

The word Dukkha is one of those words that doesn't have a particular English translation because in Pali it means a wide range of things depending on the context it is used in. It's all important as a word only because of the religious significance the Buddhist religion gives it. When people say it means 'disatisfaction' they only repeat something they heard (probably read it on accesstoinsight or something like that). It's a fair enough way of understanding the word in relation to how our sense-experience is never really satisfying.

I wasn't looking for answers when I wrote the OP. It's supposed to be an exploration, but we were given the answer in post # 2, and I thought we could all go home. But wait! Someone says it isn't the answer - something else is the answer - but I wonder if anyone is actually watching the mind as it grasps for 'the right answer'.

Buddhism can be followed quite simply. Please note that I said simply and not easily, digging ditches is simple but anyone that's tried it knows it isn't easy.
Looking for deeper meanings and loopholes in the dharma isn't clever and intelligent behavior. Would anyone driving down the road wonder what people really meant when they came to a give way sign, or ponder the reason why it was placed there, or would the clever and intelligent thing be just to give way.
Spend a bit of time watching nature. The birds and the animals. They eat, sleep, exercise a little, mate and die.
I'm sure that most people could spend their time better than analysing the dharma. Just be grateful we found it and accept it for what it is.
Good luck and best wishes.
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