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Old 08-02-2018, 04:00 PM
dowsingdoer dowsingdoer is offline
Join Date: Feb 2018
Posts: 41
Something I forgot to mention. I made a DIY. Psi wheel from a 2 inch square of aluminium cooking foil and a sewing needle pivot. When I held the palm of my right hand near, the wheel rotated steadily anti clock wise (and vice versa with left hand) - skeptics claim this is due to warm air currents from the hand - perhaps. BUT in scenario one, when I picked up a piece of quartz in my left hand the wheel revved up a notch and spun more strongly. Putting down the quartz caused the wheel to return to a slower steadier speed of rotation. Explain that skeptics! Lapis has the same effect too and maybe other crystals I haven't tried yet.

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