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Old 27-02-2019, 07:39 AM
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A Little About the Science of Spirituality

The below is based on the belief in the existence of a single creative force and a vast, multilayered series of planes upon which beings subordinate to that guiding source exist and that there is a single great "will" which guides all.

Science is correct in their summation of the single event which began the physical universe. It is also correct to assume a cause for this and that it is the product of a great intelligence. For simplicity I will acquiesce to the religious and call this "God". What does this god do? What is the purpose of a god (there are many after all, some lesser, some greater, some very great but all being under a single "source God". This is consistent with a multi tiered spiritual universe which predates any physical one. Those spiritual planes do exist. It is they that give sustenance to the physical.

God turns "his/her" great mind to the goal of creation of a series of planes which will be lower than any yet attempted. The reason will be to provide a starting point for new spiritual entities which will be born and begin a journey of advancement, eventually becoming as gods themselves. This idea is sufficient for the present. God, using "his/her" great mind, designs and begins a physical universe which will be used by beginner spiritual entities (souls) as they begin their quest for achievement.

In the highest spiritual plane there is no passage of time. All simply "is". This is the reason that God can give us freedom of choice while still knowing how we will chose. We really do have such freedom. Moving "downward" from the highest plane (where God Is) we find spiritual mass (spiritual matter) becoming heavier and more dense. As we continue to descend we find, at a certain point, that a higher correspondence of what we here might call Newtonian dimension exists. At these levels we will note a resulting passage of time. But time on these spiritual planes is much slower than here in the physical. As we continue descending through the various spiritual planes we are slowed even more as we approach the lower levels. These, when seen from Earth in the physical, will seem high indeed. But from the truly high spheres they are low and coarse.

God, having decided upon an expansion to a new, lowest series of planes, turns his/her great mind upon the matter of those spiritual planes which are at the lowest of the existing set. God's mind focuses a mighty "Will" which provokes a response. The matter of the lower planes is "excited" and slowed considerably. Soon it reaches a point of terminal agitation. The result, if one could be just above to witness it, is a blinding light wherethrough a form of matter is made. Through the agency of the great mind of God, spiritual mass is slowed and becomes, in a blinding moment, physical. The universe has begun. The source material is lower spiritual plane matter (not physical). The catalyst is "Mind and Will" directed upon lower spiritual matter as has been said.

Science looks back in time and discovers this event but does not know what to make of it because it knows full well that there must be a cause. The Big Bang of science is, after all, only a reaction to something else. But science does not know what this may be. But at the same time believers do know but there's is a matter of faith, not sure knowledge.

There is a lot more to be said in this area but suffice to say that, yes, there is a God and that this God does have some intelligent design. We surmise that in the beginning the simplest physical elements were formed and that they immediately began a long process of change which resulted in the complexities which we observe in the universe today. This is God's plan. At the moment of creation (of the physical) God began the process of growth through change and adaptation which we have come to call evolution. Evolution, both spiritual and physical, is the result, the signature, of God's intelligent design. But we humans cannot seem to be so easily convinced. We prefer, it seems, to complicate matters.
The human mind is kin to the Father's but it is very much separated from and inferior to it. We tend to tend to think in separatist terms. Because we live in and are beings of the physical universe this is all that we can see. Our vision is greatly limited. Standing in opposition to these barriers are those who believe in a supreme being which created. We thus find science in opposition to faith (religion). We argue back and forth all the time. Who is right? I'm right! No, I am right! etc etc.... very foolish. Believers claim that God created but they do not know what existed before the creation. Science knows full well that something cannot come from nothing, that indeed "nothing' is illogical and impossible, but since no spiritual planes have ever been quantified they are incapable of incorporating "god" into their scheme of things.

The immediate argument is defined by the tension between creation and evolution. The truth is that both are correct. God created. God then instituted evolution which has been in evidence ever since physical time began some 15 billion years ago. This is the truth of it. Complicating this is the fact that long ago human beings began to tell stories about the beginnings of the world. For countless thousands of years these grew in the telling. Mixed in with this was and is the fact that others from far away have been visiting and guiding the Earth (again by God's design). These off worlders are God's children too. We mustn't forget that. It was they who began their activities with the Earth long ago when our seas were yet acidic. They brought to this planet the simple life forms which they placed in the warm shallow seas. Biological life on Earth came from other planets far away. But then such forms were adapted through Earth evolution to be compatible with this world. It was they, by direction of God (this story is much more complicated than we have time here to discuss) who caused the Cambrian explosion. It was they who modified proto human beings making then suddenly the more advanced types we find today. It was they, under God, who caused one species of humans to replace other older types. It is they who are at work yet today with the Earth. They continue to guide what they began, under God. This is the truth behind the stories of abductions etc etc... They, the watchers, under God, are doing what they have been doing since the early days of our planet.

The trouble is that we look at this reality through two filters. One is science which will not speak of things it cannot observe. The others is the creative force of God which is a matter of belief through various religions. One requires knowledge. The other requires faith. If they could but only realize it though they would see that faith, when looked at more closely and openly, becomes firm knowledge. Science and faith are perfectly compatible. The two dovetail in all respects. Where science fails, faith leads. It is simple and elegant. On Earth we cannot seem to have a belief in God in any pure sense. We are compelled to do so through the structure of a Religion. This necessitates the need for identifiable authority. Thus we find religions each with it's own traditions and authorities in existence. We should remember that in the spiritual worlds there are no religions. No scriptures no requirements that we hold any particular beliefs. Only here on Earth are such things needed and that is because of the inadequacy of our minds which are only a shade of a copy of a shadow of that used by any high spiritual being (under the ultimate God).

We err greatly when we insist upon believing literally the words of any religious scriptures. Yes. Such ideas originate from on high but they are filtered and distorted as they pass lower and lower and finally through the imperfect mind of man. And then they are written for posterity. All religions are thus affected. If scriptures were perfect they would not exist in plurality. There would be but one. But the minds of man are imperfect and so we tend to believe that only our particular set of scriptures are the Words of God and that the rest are imperfect. Before we will come to understand higher truths we have to set all this aside. When we do we will find that we suddenly understand how creation and evolution both result from the intelligent design of God the creator. It is all so very simple. But to see it we have to set aside our man made inclination for separative thinking.

Religions as they are today will one day be set aside. Science will one day embrace the reality of the spiritual realms. The two will become one. There is much more to be said on this subject. Here is not the place for such expansions of thought. For our older cousins, the off worlders, a combination of science and religion exists. They have conflicts too but they are of a higher order. They do not suffer as we do.

The human mind is in it's infancy. The off worlders know this. It is they, under direction of God the Father, who have been working incessantly to help us along. When our minds are suitably developed we will successfully merge science and God. Only a few at at time manage to arrive at this point in evolution. At any time on Earth most people are yet too young. They cannot see clearly. For them faith is a requirement. Others, though, know that faith grows until it becomes knowledge. This, too, is a part of God's intelligent design and plan for humanity.

Science is not the realm of atheists. There are many believers in science but they are constrained by the requirement that they be able to quantify and demonstrate in a physical sense and that these must be correlated independently by other scientists before they can become science theories (accepted as being factual until more is known and they are replaced). Albert Einstein once said: "I want to know God's thoughts. The rest are details".

Last edited by bartholomew : 27-02-2019 at 08:01 PM.
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