Thread: Death dreams?
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Old 28-05-2015, 08:31 PM
ComeOnLetItGo ComeOnLetItGo is offline
Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 117
Death dreams?

The past week, I've had two dreams where I died (I've also had several dreams in the past where I died in my dreams). The most recent one was last night where I was struck by lighting. This was extremely vivid. In the dream itself, I had predicted after watching a storm that I would go out side and get struck and sure enough, I went outside post storm and was struck by lightning. It was extremely intense and felt very real in the dream and I had seen several flashes everywhere, felt an overwhelming jolt and saw all bright white light until then awakening.

Has anyone had these types of dreams post healing or reaching balance?

A part of me views these death dreams as a visual representation of the death of the old self and symbolizing being reborn post this twin flame experience.

But another part of me gets a little scared, that now that I have reached this balance, is death and or ascension imminent?

Thoughts or experiences with this?
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