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Old 12-04-2019, 06:57 PM
MissAnnThrope MissAnnThrope is offline
Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 29
Newbie here from DE

Hello everyone!

I always feel awkward posting an introduction, but here goes:

I'm an aspiring writer and a mother of 3, including my firstborn son who is no longer with us. I'm a voracious reader, and I have an interest in physics. I've had a hard run of it, all the more reason for spiritual pursuits, right?

I've always considered myself a spiritual person (though not a religious one) having interest in various spiritual arenas at different times in my life, including Eastern Orthodoxy, Ceremonial Magick, and Taoism. I'm a big believer in Astrology, both Eastern and Western, I put a lot of stock in gems and stones, I'm a fan of Teal Swan and Eckhart Tolle, and for the past couple years I've been trying to master astral projection. I'm also somewhat well versed in scripture (old and new testaments), though I'm no longer at a point in life where I'm actively studying it.

I probably seem like a spiritual mess being all over the place lol, but I'm just trying to find my way, taking a little from here and there, learning as I go. I hope I can take something from these boards and maybe leave something as well?

Thanks for listening and letting me introduce myself!

PS: is there a way to make this site a little more cellphone friendly? Like a simplified view?
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