Thread: help
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Old 02-02-2018, 02:25 PM
Eden Workshops Eden Workshops is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2018
Posts: 12


I am frankly in need of help, I am a mature Chrisitian mystic, I have experienced three powerful extensions of consciousnesss into the depths of my own unconscious mind and now my soul is very very real to me, I have freed myself from my shadow on two seperate occasions, the last about a year ago with the help of my psychiatrist who acted as my confessor, after this I attained a valid enlightenment, but I also suffer from bi polar disorder, I developed a psychosis which damaged my brain and recently I spent 5 weeks hallucinating strongly while in a mental illness unit, I used to look for signs from my God but now I am concerned in case they are just hallucinations, I have a psychitarist, but she knows nothing about the unconscious mind, she only thinks of the physical brain. I need help from the rarest of people, a master, someone who has freed themselves from their own shadow, can anyone help please?
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