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Old 11-11-2017, 07:11 PM
iamthat iamthat is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Golden Bay, New Zealand
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Gender does not apply at the level of Soul or Consciousness. Gender is only relevant during incarnation in the worlds of form, and that is only a temporary identification. Atman/Brahman is simply Being, and Being has no gender.

Having said that, there are certain principles expressing through Creation, and some people might define these principles as masculine or feminine. This is nothing to do with gender, but more to do with qualities. I prefer to use the terms yang and yin rather than masculine/feminine, to avoid any confusion with the division of the sexes.

The Soul is sometimes regarded as feminine because it is seen as the bride of the Divine, seeking union with the Beloved. Or esoterically Consciousness expresses the principle of Love & Wisdom (regarded as feminine qualities) seeking union with Spirit which expresses the principle of Will & Purpose (regarded as masculine qualities).

The spiritual journey is all about uniting Consciousness and Spirit, and finding that state of perfect balance.

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