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Old 04-10-2017, 08:26 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by august2803
I hate it. It is like i always have to be on the watch, my parents etc cannot let go of thinking i am a little boy.
The problem with boundaries is that they often become high walls to hide behind,

You did know that you can receive what's given to you any way you choose, didn't you? And that it's as bad to take offense as it is to give it? What you're looking at is control and that your parents can't let go of you being a boy. There are some things only a parent understands and this is one of them I understand quite well, my daughter is never going to grow up even though she has a son at school now. She's a woman but she'll always be my little girl. It's a dad thing.

Are people trying to control you or are they just trying to keep you right? Perhaps to them you could use a little guidance. The secret to understanding this though is to look at what they're trying to do and perceive yourself from their perspective, and taking another look at yourself. Energy flows where the attention goes, if you're always on watch you'll always see it, but is it you not letting go of thinking your parents treat you like a little boy?
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