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Old 04-06-2018, 02:27 AM
SerendipityLizard SerendipityLizard is offline
Join Date: Jun 2017
Posts: 420
I’m not sure about it and it’s not exactly the same, but I did have a similar experience before.

An experience where it seems the shapes of the room were zooming in and out without me moving. Where colors were flashing, and kaideloscope colors were meshing and moving. There was even this one case where I seemed to be able to control the movement of ripples with my own mind.

I don’t really call it anything with words — I just remember it visually in my own mind. They’re not really harmful, and don’t do much other than appear. After several months of it coming and going, I’ve come to realize it means there’s some kind of major progress in my spiritual awakening or that there’s a spiritual message I need to really stop ignoring more.
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