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Old 23-12-2012, 01:28 PM
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Let me add to the previous post the following quote from The Secret Doctrine:

The Fall was the result of man’s knowledge, for his “eyes were opened.” Indeed, he was taught Wisdom and the hidden knowledge by the “Fallen Angel,” for the latter had become from that day his Manas, Mind and Self-consciousness. In each of us that golden thread of continuous life — periodically broken into active and passive cycles of sensuous existence on Earth, and super-sensuous in Devachan — is from the beginning of our appearance upon this earth. It is the Sutratma, the luminous thread of immortal impersonal monadship, on which our earthly lives or evanescent Egos are strung as so many beads — according to the beautiful expression of Vedantic philosophy.


If the Fall had the significance given to it by theology; if that fall occurred as a result of an act never intended by nature, — a sin, how about the animals? If we are told that they procreate their species in consequence of that same “original sin,” for which God cursed the earth — hence everything living on it — we will put another question. We are told by theology, as by Science, that the animal was on earth far earlier than man? We ask the former: How did it procreate its species, before the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, of the Good and the Evil, had been plucked off? As said: “The Christians — far less clear-sighted than the great Mystic and Liberator whose name they have assumed, whose doctrines they have misunderstood and travestied, and whose memory they have blackened by their deeds — took the Jewish Jehovah as he was, and of course strove vainly to reconcile the Gospel of Light and Liberty with the Deity of Darkness and Submission.” (“War in Heaven.”)*
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