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Old 03-04-2018, 01:28 AM
Hoppy7 Hoppy7 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2017
Location: Pomona, CA
Posts: 79
I have some helpful answers.

First, always keep yourself shielded. Add moving rainbows wrapped around them and add mirrors around them that reflect all negativities and negative energies into the Earth.

Next, cut all cords, ties, and hooks that you have with all other people, and all other's with you.

Then, ask Archangel Michael to find all other's that are psychically attacking you and ask them to stop.

After that, if you know Reiki or some other healing modality (you can use crystals too, and I am a Reiki Master/Teacher so I might be able to help, but you have to get some form of permission before healing them), you can try this: http://www.victorianparanormalconnec...0Vampires.html

You'd have to do this several times, until the connection stops and they stop feeding off of anyone, including you. Psychic vampires have to learn to get their energy from the Earth just like everyone else.

Also, clear your energies, within the shields, and your home's, and get rid of any entities that are in your energy and home. They are not healthy (the negative one's) and drain you dry just like any living psychic vampire. It's simple. No worries. Ask Archangel Michael, your guardian angel, to do it.

Don't let him get to you. After disconnecting, whenever he or anyone else you are unsure of pops up in your mind, or even in person, say NO. Even mentally. You have that choice in who can or cannot connect to your energy.

Most likely they are not doing it on purpose. If they are, it's really bad karma.

Either way, we are all responsible for what we individually create and for our own energy.
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