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Old 06-02-2018, 04:47 PM
Rsandee Rsandee is offline
Join Date: Mar 2015
Posts: 585
I read something somewhere about a planned transition, but I'm too lazy to look it up now tbh.

I'll try to sum it up, maybe I'll expand on it later.
-I've always felt I'm here to "improve" things, may it be humanity or the world:
-I've always felt different and I've always felt I had a story that is not often heard, I always took the path less travelled
-I'm a true empath, I can feel emotions deeply and I always know what kind of person I'm talking to. I think I'm able to feel auras as I can feel peoples personalities.
-As a kid, I was an early talker, not a late one. When my parents gave me my name I always refused and said my name was "Tuta". I was very smart and could recognize and memorize a lot of stuff, even the tiniest detail.
-I was a very happy kid, laughed a lot, lost this ability in my teens but I've recovered it almost a year ago. I recognize humor as my greatest asset and greatest strength.
-I feel very connected to my soul, I've seen an angel (or a spirit, I'm not sure ) as pure white light, but what I saw wasn't as important as what I felt, I felt absolute love and peace.
-One of the first dreams I can remember was when I was very young, it was a reocurring dream. I remember I felt tiny, incredibly small, but at the same time I was a giant.
-One aura reader said my aura is that of a rainbow, he could see many colours but recognized my red and purple are close together, I don't deal with stress well. This might be because I thought I was an Indigo years ago, because I was down and depressed. I'm in charge of my own emotions and perspectives of life, I'm aware of that now, but because I thought I was trapped I actually became trapped. I was the only one holding myself prisoner. This reader said I was a giant with the colours of the rainbow, just like the reocurring dream.
-I feel my life purpose is love, and I have a lot of love to give. I'm a real romantic that way.

I was born in January 1997, so I must be an early one then if I am one.
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