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Old 05-12-2013, 08:08 PM
Mind's Eye
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Morpheus
"Regarding "the Movie"; When the interogation of Neo scenes are stopped, and scrutinized...

"Some personal information can be seen on Thomas Anderson's "criminal record" that Agent Smith glances at when he interrogates Neo: ...
Neo's place of birth is "Lower Downtown, Capitol City" ...

Seconds later a photocopy of his passport can be seen.
There the place of his birth is CAPITAL CITY USA, his date of birth is the 13th of September 1971,
the passport was issued on the 12th of September 1991 and will expire on

the 11th of September 2001."

Yet, the movie was released two years prior, in 1999

Here is one to ponder: What if we do live in a Matrix, what if we are just some sort of computer program or hologram? What if none of this is real at all...

And then what if there is no God? What if all the God's, Goddesses and saviors were nothing more than part of the program? Or what if they were computerized images of the people who created the Matrix as a way to insert themselves into our "reality" and interact with us and pass certain ethical and moral codes on to us?

What if we are a grand experiment that has the ability to learn and evolve and our creators have helped us do so by digitizing themselves and downloading themselves into our hologram?

What if heaven is nothing more than the next level of the game? What if there's nothing out there but people watching us on a screen or on some holodeck like universe?

If this is all an illusion, what makes us think that people like Jesus, Buddha or any other wise teacher or prophet was anything other than part of the program? And what if they were all just dropping clues that Heaven or Nirvana, ie, being absorbed back into all that is, was just another way of saying that we will disperse back into electronic particles in the end when our digital clock runs out? Or do they take the program that was our memory and recreate us in some "celestial" setting as a reward for doing what they want us to do and obeying their influences throughout time? Or at least what we perceive as time...

Now that can trip a mind out!

Last edited by Mind's Eye : 05-12-2013 at 11:04 PM.
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