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Old 13-05-2017, 01:07 AM
Wanderer Wanderer is offline
Join Date: Apr 2017
Posts: 19
Originally Posted by olhosdeamendoa
Although I have my own business in another field that pays my bills, I feel I want to move on to work with people in that spiritual path.

So I've found a lady that does that type of work, and she offers courses that are accredited for people that want to work in energy alignment. It is a course of almost one year and after that you'll be accredited and able to work.

It all sounded good but the thing is, she charges over $5000 for the course

Are you looking to start your own business in the "lightworker" field where you would charge people for your services? If so, then what she's doing is no different than what you intend to do.

We all have the potential inside to develop our gifts and help others to do the same. Personally, I would never pay money for a service that I can do for myself. As in: a course on developing myself. And in that same vein, I would never charge someone for providing those services. I have a job, which pays my bills. Assisting someone on their spiritual path is payment in itself and is not the way to pay your bills. But again, that's my opinion only and I'm not knocking those that do that, or those that pay for those services.
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