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Old 04-01-2017, 03:14 AM
angelic star angelic star is offline
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I am beginning to understand the nature of sun signs. I also now understand there are stereotypes that might not necessarily be true. Despite our sun signs some of us channel one element more than the other and that could or could not be related to our sun sign. Sun signs do define certain characterstics, but then if there are other stronger influences in a person's chart that might be more significant than the sun sign itself. Some signs have a lighter gravity than the rest. Other signs that people think are difficult, might come with solid purposes for themselves here. So they chose to be born under these soul lessons under those signs to delve into a cause. I have been noticing some signs restore harmony and balance and others do not. Brahma, ( beginning) Vishnu ( creator) , Shiva ( destroyer ) In either each of them have roles that fall into the cycle of death, rebirth and creation. I believe this perfectly describes each of the signs of the zodiac, they all complete and complement each other. Some lessons come in harder than the rest, and others remain neutral or absent.
I strongly believe in reincarnation , and past lives, karmic past. So if you look closely, what we chose is only to gain experience, a strong inner desire to be met.
We can perfectly fit into roles and traits of sun signs other than us too. So us as light being , are complete and whole anyways. We only fall into the illusion of personalities, that define our shadows, inner urges, and that might be totally limited. It is just an illusion and product of the ego, that can be expanded as soul matures. That is why we chose to be born so many times and this life and our own selves are just the illusion of it. If we look at the big picture, we are playing many different roles, none significant than the other. And it all breaks. I believe same is for sun signs, we chose to be born under a certain sign . Maybe we have played different roles in other lives and could chose to be reborn into different lessons again.
Signs can surely provide some insight, as wonderful they are I also find them limited.
I find water signs get attracted to me a lot, but among them I find Pisceans as the most compatible to me. Gemini and Aquarius I find suitable as well, I have known important Sagitarrius in my life. I still find them humorous and witty. I see them find more humor in difficult things. Laughter is the best medicine and a Sagittarius has shown me that, I do not know if it is typical of that sign, but I find them quite naughty.

Earth signs are the most compatible to a Taurus, and since this is the Capricorn thread, they compliment me in every possible way :) I wish I find more of them in my life, but I guess I have lessons to learn from some other signs here and they do come into my life suprisingly and sometimes amazingly :)
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