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Old 17-01-2018, 09:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Ab Origine
Hi Folks..

As usual - everyone got a different bible truth - yet nne are actually listening to Christ... Come to Me, He said - my yoke is light and you will find rest for yourselves

NOTHING is commanded of You - not by OUR FATHER - only two "rules" he ever gave as direct commands...First, tell no lies He said - don't alter change or embellish the truth that is delivered to you - just pass it on whole.... Second, if they reject you He said, then don't do as THEY do in order to fit in and be accepted - don't do things you loathe and compromise your own Self integrity, for the sake of societal acceptance.. These given to the disciples as they ask how they should proceed to reveal His truth, and how they should conduct themselves after His death... Look Folks - He has taught them about the HOLY GHOST - told them to find it within, reveal its Divine Presence, follow THAT as guidance always....These are the only commands, stipulations, criteria - everything else He ever uttered was just advise or insightful observation.. The only things we MUST do without fail he said - find that Divine Presence within, Holy Ghost - bring it forward ALWAYS - let it guide - don't add anything to what it reveals, don't hide from it or alter its truth - don't slip back into egoic lower mind thinking , as others around do, and as they will (inadvertently) will drag you back down into - hence - don't tell lies and don't compomise your own integral truth doing things you loathe just to be accepted by those around, these are His ONLY real commands as He teaches those with ears to hear, the nature of Our Father and how to access, and commune DIRECTLY with that eternal spirit..

BUT - that god of the bible - yes indeed - lays down all manner of contrary commands, then threatens you all with eternal punishment if you get any of them wrong... That's not Our Father speaking there - that is an imposter as I have told you (all), proved beyond logical doubt, no matter which aspect of scripture or this religion we look at, this is the only explanation that fits and accounts for them all..

This bible god of the Hebrews - we call Him Yhvh - CHRIST called it an ANGEL - NOT a god - an imposter claiming a superior station it had no legitimate right to claim, HE SAID - for that truth, as we know, they MURDERED HIM to silence his direct threat to their power and authority.. THAT lesser god commands all manner of things from us - keeps us forever "jumping through hoops" vainly trying to please it.. Even has us commit heinous, evil malicous acts "in its name" doesn't it..?..

YES - don't hide from it or lie to yourself Folks...that will get you nowhere...It has pitted you all against each other to keep you confused - told you there is an "elect" t obe saved and a great portion of you all that will be "lost forever" and now you all scramble like headless chickens in blatant scared confusin, JUST AS YOUR GOD WANTS IT - it IS a nasty evil character - malicious - wilfully arrogant - spiteful - malevolent - vengeful - are you all SURE you really want to even be affiliated with it..?...

The bible teaches--That Jesus would appoint his faithful and discreet slave ( lead teachers)over all of his belongings here in these last days. So just as the apostles were his--this applys to his teachers on earth today--Luke 10:16)-- that basically says--If one rejects Jesus real teachers, they as well are rejecting Jesus and God--or vica versa.
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