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Old 14-04-2016, 08:36 AM
Busby Busby is offline
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Originally Posted by GRoyal
If you think about it, there had to be a point where no thing existed, but how can we reconcile that apparent truth with the fact that there's a whole lot of stuff in existence. How do you get something from no thing? The answer is that consciousness is no thing, which raises the question how did consciousness become aware, and what was it doing before it became aware, and once it became aware, what was it aware of? A lot to ponder. To begin with, there has always been conscious awareness, simply put it had no thing to be aware of, no point of reference. How this state of selfless awareness became self aware was when a void occurred in the vibrational frequency that has always existed, and transcends time and space lowering the frequency enough to cause a separation in the frequency exposing the frequency's two polar opposites + -, or 1's and 0's. What we view as reality came from very humble beginnings, has been from the very beginning consciously guided by a self aware conscious force (God) , and that forces first language was binary.

This is always a fascinating subject. How did things start. Science's easy way out is to say that it didn't start, that it always has been. You say there was a point where no thing existed. but there's a difference between no thing and nothing. Then you say that there is/was a vibrational frequency that has always existed. (And transcends time and space). Then a void occured... That's like having your cake and eating it. But you make some very valid points - I have to say.
In my book it's something like this; At the time (if there ever was such a 'time') of nothingness, not even space existed as a dimension. Something, - that which we today call God amongst other things - formed a first awareness out of abstractions. Triangles, squares, circles - mathematical features which don't need 'stuff' to form and which can feasibly exist in nothingness.
A circle, something which keeps its shape at all times in all sizes and encompasses everything, is also really the symbol of everything, also having an inside and an outside. An enclosed space and an unenclosed space. Two opposites in fact. Yin and Yang.
We cannot today deny that the whole of everything is formed from opposites. If we take an O as an example and add or subtract we immediately get a micro- and a macrocosmos. If we split this O into two by adding a ONE to divide the O equally, we get, as you say, the binary system.
As we now know, thanks to the computer world, we don't need anything else, from these two forms/symbols everything can be created. In fact we instantly recognise the cell structure of life. A cell divides and we have two of the same. Maybe we will (or will not) get to the end of Pi, a circle, - this seems at the moment to represent infinity and could be a symbol for infinity in both directions.
And so on. fascinating! I love such stuff.
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