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Old 02-05-2017, 11:27 PM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
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Originally Posted by organic born
So many variables... while I enjoyed immensely danse macabre's listing of terms!

The grim part comes in if we're tending to fight the weight of our being a physical entity. Should we study the variables instead and learn to navigate freely among them, then as they become clear, we may well find that the experience changes from being grim to that of great interest.

We know we need to eat, then lets learn "what" to eat that fits best with the needs of our body. If we can't find such things at the stores then lets grow it ourselves. Learning to grow food is moving up the line as one of the most interesting things that I've encountered in this lifetime.

If people get bored with our presence then we can learn to live comfortably with our own company. Oddly people seem to be more drawn to those who tend to move about independently, and if they still tend to reject us then no-biggy.

Material wealth is something that was taught to us as somehow important. I have lived fine in the past on very little to almost nothing and found that the magic is in our "being" and not in what we own. Eliminate; "appearances", overly optimistic/oppressive financial goals, the need to own the newest of everything... and focus instead on the loves in our lives and the interests that genuinely move us, then life becomes interesting and rewarding regards of our financial condition.

Exercise in itself is almost suffocatingly boring, but if doing something physical involves things which truly trips your fancy (in my case clearing land and planting and harvesting food) then it no longer feels like an effort that one would want to avoid. Such work not only exercises the body but also helps move things along in our lymphatic system, helping our body to function at more optimum levels.

There are indeed dangers, but we tend to dwell way too much on potential dangers that never happen, or transpires in ways that were unpredictable, or as a result of things that we created ourselves. If we overly concern ourselves with dangers then we're spending way too much living capital on a exhausting activity. Sometimes, if not in most cases, things that "go wrong" are setting the stage for things that go much better in the long run. While if we're in the habit of focusing on things always going wrong then we may well not notice this more positive outcome from a previous event.

"Struggling" is a sure sign that we haven't yet discovered and incorporated into our thought stream the patterns of awareness that allows us to access this experience in a reasonable way.

Most seem to want "magic" to bail them out of this situation of being human. It's been my experience that the more we adapt to a harmonious rhythm in relation to the physical terms and conditions then the more rewarding our involvement with this particular oddity of being physical becomes. :)

it sounds good to those of you who aren't trapped and put in a cage I guess.

What you don't understand is you are ALLOWED the things you have, if someone took away the allowance and replaced it with animosity, you would have nothing.

you are lucky, noone seems to want to do that to you. Some of the rest of us, not so much.
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