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Old 13-02-2019, 06:48 PM
Posts: n/a
Feedback for tealily.
A is not a younger male but the Knight of Swords is pretty apt. She has the gift of the gab (and has the potential to set up contracts/clients and provide back up if needed) and is always dashing off to meetings.
I'm hopeful that this collaboration will be fruitful.
Thank you.

Next reading for tealily
We just got a new practice manager and receptionist at one of my companies, AP. I am hopeful that their presence will really turn things around this year...?! Mummy (ie me) needs more financial compensation for her time. Mummy arguably deserves way more financial compensation for her time, but that's a slightly different story I guess.

Q: What do I need to know about how the new practice manager and receptionist team will influence my earnings at AP this calendar year?
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