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Old 13-07-2016, 04:52 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Robinski78
Well Burntfruit. With all due respect, you do seem to be lodged in a somewhat negative valley of thought, into which, a cluster of unearthly, disparaging thoughts and theories have drained...

Might you not balance that out, with a range of positive ideologies or situations, that would be more acceptable or even delightful... I can think of a thousand positive outcomes with little trouble, that would present a wonderful conclusion to a lifes' journey...

Mind you, I do have an open mind, for all sorts of ideas to pop in and share their theories with me as they're passing by...

Why not start looking on the bright side - at least - once in a while...

Thanks for the reply Robbie:

I will try my best to be more positive. I think my negativity is the result of earth based fears.
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