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Old 23-01-2018, 09:02 AM
Posts: n/a
No matter what - fluorine will calcify the pineal gland as I've already said. You can fudge around it all you like with spiritual mind over matter stuff, but it's still a fact - or as near as dammit a fact based on scientific evidence (i.e. observable by many observers). It's just part of the build up of this particular toxin in the body.

So if you continue taking in fluoride, get your third eye and creative stuff done while you still can.

Like many things, if the destruction isn't instant, people don't worry about it. A welder working without a mask will be blinded instantly. A machine shop worker whose hearing deteriorates over a decade won't bother to take precautions until it's too late. Same with toxins that build up over time. Fluorine intake falls into the latter. Once it's done you can't undo it.

Mind over matter is great if you're good at it, but I'd challenge whoever said that to bite on a cyanide capsule of touch some ricin - then get their minds to deal with it.
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