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Old 20-11-2019, 03:36 AM
Agesly Agesly is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2019
Posts: 10
I'm glad my writing style pleases you. As English is my second language, I try harder to express myself in an understandable way. That being said, it was a great compliment to me, thank you!

Now answering your questions:

I usually ask my guardian angel. Though sometimes I use a prayer I learnt from my mom when I was a child, addressed to Archangel Michael, asking him to protect me with his cloak of blue light (I don't remember the original prayer's word exactly so I improvise).

Many experiences in my life made me sure that I am an clairsentient. Meaning I can feel the energy/emotions of places and people, and a very accurate gut feeling about people’s intentions. I did not hone this ability well yet, and it was not so strong till recently.

Sometimes I am not sure if what I am feeling is genuinely mine or I am catching from a nearby person. And if I am not well grounded - which is not uncommon in this period of change I am going through -it can throw me about emotionally.

If a conflict or something bad happened in a magnitude that greatly affected a place's vibration, it can make me feel heavy and even feel physical pain (like a headache).

Crowded places, like restaurants and supermarkets, can made me feel a bit overwhelmed with the amount of different feelings of many different people.

Because of all that, I am now more wary of energies and feel the need to ask for protection from these “strong bad vibes”.


A week ago, for example, I went into a store and felt heaviness, felt like a situation involving hatred. My head started to ache and it only got worse as I went into the store so I decided to just leave. The moment I left the store I felt instantly better. I think the energy was tense and heavy and with my sensitivity, it affected me.

The following day I went to a big and crowded restaurant. As I crossed the door I started to feel that chaotic soup of emotions and energies. I closed my eyes and called for protection and insulation from these energies. It helped momentarily but I still left the place feeling drained.

When I left the restaurant and was on my way to work I felt drawn to a crystals store nearby. So I went there and stayed some time looking at the crystals. I was drawn to a gem that I ended up buying: an Amazonite. I left the store feeling renewed and I believe the crystals has something to do with it.

After that I went to research what were the proprieties of the gem I acquired. To my surprise, it is a stone that has affinity with the heart chakra (which is related to clairsentience), acting as an energy filter. I wear it over my chest since and I did not have a strong bad experience since. But that was a week ago so it might be too soon to tell. It is also said it helps you with courage to be your true self, which is in line with what I am going through (my transition).

Best wishes!
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