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Old 02-04-2018, 12:35 PM
Busby Busby is offline
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Originally Posted by inavalan
Our perception is strongly affected by our beliefs and expectations, both here in physical, and over there in non-physical.

You can see that here, how people look at the same thing or event, and get different, sometimes opposite perceptions.

Both here, and over there, each one of us creates their own reality, according to their thoughts. The difference is that over there the creation happens instantaneously, while here, due to the space-time, the creation is much slower, so we have the chance to practice and learn how to do it.

This difference in beliefs and expectations causes different honest channelers and projectors to perceive different messages, to visualize different realities.

I like the one about the aquarium in the living room. Four people are sitting round it. One sees a fish swimming towards him, the other sees a fish swimming away from her, one sees a fish swimming from right to left and the other sees a fish swimming from left to right.
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