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Old 01-01-2007, 07:33 PM
Posts: n/a
Exclamation Rh neg blood and Stellar connections

Aaaahhh, just when you think its telling you one reveals a much larger and complex hint in a different direction altogether. Thanks for sharing this article Mother Goose.

A few years ago on another forum there were a group of posters talking about their personal experiences with both seeing and interacting with UFOs and different ETs. Some of them remembered having been "abducted" or visited many times and this topic of Rh negative blood came up in connection. It was interesting to see how many posters had Rh neg blood or had a parent with it. Many many of them did.....Are you Rh neg Moother Goose or your Mother or any of your children?

My Mother has Rh neg blood and I'm O positive. The man I married had Rh neg (O neg) and I don't even know which blood type my son is, but sure wish I did, not that I need that information to tell me what I and my Mother have known for many decades anyway!

There is a reason why you were lead to this info now MG and it's connected to the 'ascension process' as well. I predict that throughout 2007 more and more people will have their awareness greatly expanded about who they are on more levels just like this. As our DNA gets reconnected over the months, so will our awareness about being much larger than we believed prior. We come from the Stars and other dimensions and it's time for humanity to integrate more of this ancinet knowledge before 2012.

I have a series of strange experiences, as does my Mother and son, that tells a story about interactions with certain non-physical beings (no I'm not talking about "Greys" but what might be called "Lightbeings") before being pregnant, during the first weeks of being pregnant, and afterwards. I won't get into it all now unless I get some positive reactions about this whole subject. I suspect that you're on overload once again so I won't push.