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Old 17-03-2019, 05:55 AM
Pewdiepie Pewdiepie is offline
Join Date: Mar 2019
Posts: 29
Originally Posted by janielee
Any reason you chose the name the mass murderer invoked?

Thank you for your concerning question. First, I invite you to read Pewdiepie's responsive tweet on twitter about the horrific, cowardly massacre that happened in New Zealand on the Ides of March. I would provide the link here but I am still a new member and cannot yet provide links. So instead I will quote what he said directly....if you don't believe me just check out his twitter.

Pewdiepie: "Just heard news of the devastating reports from New Zealand Christchurch. I feel absolutely sickened having my name uttered by this person.
My heart and thoughts go out to the victims, families and everyone affected by this tragedy."

Pewdiepie is a youtube personality with 90 million subscribers, the most subscribed channel on youtube. Most of his videos involve gaming, meme reviews, and social commentary. He is the complete opposite of the monster that massacred those people. He is unfortunately the victim of fake news and character assassination because he is an independent content creator who gets more viewers per day than every major media network combined. Not only that, his main audience are young males from the age of 9-14, a very desired demographic for advertising. I encourage you to watch his youtube and make your own judgments.

In my opinion the shooter mentioned his name because he is trying to associate it with his horrific actions in order to character assassinate him. Read the shooters manifesto and you will see that it is full of contradictions. For example, in the shooter's manifesto, he cites a black woman (Candice Owens) as one of his biggest inspirations, but then in another passage he claims he is a white supremacist....He is trying to eliminate leaders who bring people together to incite a cultural race war like Charles Manson in the 70's. You get the point....

I Can't believe that I have to explain this to you on my welcome post.........please do your due diligence next time instead of insinuating that I am somehow associating myself with a mass shooter, and thank you for the warm welcome....
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