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Old 03-09-2014, 09:17 PM
Katheryn Katheryn is offline
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 61
Originally Posted by thisisnotharmless
Whereas, in that scenario, western medicine is the repairman that fixes the leaky pipes and broken windows as they happen.

I LOVED that description! Thank you, thisisnotharmless. That is very true.

I think the philosophy of western modern medicine and Ayurveda are very different (completely opposite, one could say): Ayurveda is about supporting health and preventing illness, whereas modern medicine simply exists to "fix" disease that has manifested.

The other major differences come out of that central difference - in Ayurveda, health is personal, and the value of something to the body (helpful or harmful) can change, whereas in western modern medicine, we tend to always think of some foods as "good" and some as "bad" for a person. No food is "healthy" or "unhealthy" in Ayurveda; it depends on the constitution of the person and their personal needs at that time as to whether something is "bad" or "good" for them.

There are lots of differences, but I think one can sum them up in that Ayurveda is about support, not prevention; and it doesn't buy into "bad" and "good".

Hope that helps!
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