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Old 24-08-2015, 05:00 AM
Posts: n/a
Hello, my friend.

You may find some of the following ideas of interest and consideration:

If one would claim to deny reincarnation but accept Eternal Consciousness, there is an obvious flaw there that is ignored. Reincarnation is the same exact thing as what people know as "linear time," except that it is an extension of the idea. Reincarnation, in the linear context, is obviously a concept of denoting what appears to be a linear sequence of events. To claim, "I believe in Eternal Consciousness but not in reincarnation," while believing in linear time, makes absolutely no sense.

The concept of reincarnation actually doesn't violate what people already experience during their lifetime, which is an experience (an illusory one) in which each person goes through stages of growth. This is exactly what reincarnation is about, many incarnations or "stages" of growth, of learning. Just as it is impossible to "not learn" during a human lifetime (we all learn, regardless, no matter how slow it may sometimes appear), it is impossible that reincarnation cannot exist, for reincarnation IS the same exact linear process that humans already experience during one lifetime, which involves various stages and incarnations within the one lifetime.

For example, everyone goes through various changes and changes in physical appearance (as this is actually occurring constantly on a subatomic level as well), as well as identity and behavioral changes, which is exactly what occurs through reincarnation.

It is only through ignorance and fear that anyone would deny the obvious logical sense of reincarnation, given that, again, reincarnation is no different that what already occurs during a single lifetime, only in a broader sense.

Now, Eternal Consciousness is just What IS. Whereas most people erroneously assume their physical life experience to be "what is," the spiritual truth is that all existence is within consciousness, Universal Consciousness, or what some call "Universal Mind." Eternal Consciousness doesn't deny the experience of souls in choosing to reincarnate. Energy is always recycled. Human physics already confirms what many mystics have spoken of for many millennia, that energy simply IS, as it is not really created nor destroyed, just transformed in appearance. Energy is really conscious, it is consciousness. Eternal Consciousness doesn't actually go anywhere, it never really moves nor changes, even though there is apparent time-based experience. Time/space is an illusion. This doesn't mean that illusions do not have their "reality," of course.

Now, there is also multidimensional reality, which is a much broader concept than linear time and reincarnation. All time is really "simultaneous," it is all "happening" NOW, within the Eternal Now. (The Eternal Now is the same as Eternal Consciousness.) Thus, reincarnation is valid in terms of time and space, yes, but it is still an illusion, just as all appearances are illusions. The Eternal Now, Eternal Consciousness, is not an appearance. It is not even a "thing" as one would define one. It simply IS Pure Awareness beyond description, one could say, even though no description can capture what It really is.

If anyone looks closely and honestly, it can be seen that the idea of reincarnation actually follows the same basic laws and logic that the concepts of linear time does. Reincarnation is an imitation of Eternity, in other words. Eternity is timelessness, it is not "endless time." Reincarnation "exists" as it logically follows the progressive nature of expansion of consciousness, the karmic law of cause and effect. To use an extreme example, a soul cannot have an experience as a human in which it is murdered, and then not learn from the experience. Souls are multidimensional, simply meaning that the soul desires multiple experiences, being that each soul is multifaceted. Energy is "recycled," even though, again, this is illusory; reincarnation is essentially a dream that the Universal Mind is having.

All beings/bodies are actually constantly being "reincarnated" in terms of the actions of subatomic reality and matter/anti-matter, which essentially exist in all dimensions in various densities or vibrations, one could say.

Eternal Consciousness, as a concept, was "borrowed" from Hinduism by Buddhism, which had largely followed from ancient Hindu spiritual philosophy, just like the concept of reincarnation in Buddhism originated in Hinduism beforehand, as the Buddha was born in a Hindu society, having been familiar with ancient Hindu religious scripture and beliefs, although Buddhism as a religion was not created by the Buddha, but simply based upon various people's interpretations of the teachings of the Buddha.

Humans exist within soul consciousness, not the other way around as most believe, that we "possess" a soul inside us. That is somewhat accurate in some respects of having "internal Life Force," but is not reflective of the Ultimate Truth that ALL beings and ALL experience exists within Eternal Consciousness, the Eternal Now. We are Divine Spirit having a human experience.

The soul represents who and what we really are far more than the human personality does in most cases, except in those few who very clearly reflect Eternal Consciousness in terms of "Christ Consciousness," as some call It, for these beings are very "transparent" in a sense, reflecting the Light of Divinity very purely with little distortion. (All beings reflect degrees of "distortion" of Light, so to speak, even those like the Buddha and Jesus, without exception.)

The "human/humanoid" soul reincarnates as human and similar beings of similar vibrational consciousness, such as dolphins even, for cetaceans are of a soul-consciousness akin to that of humans, which is why dolphins and humans have such a very strong psychic bond. These same types of souls often also have experiences as other planetary beings (or "aliens") in other parallel realities. The souls that incarnate as humans do not reincarnate as a cat or a dog, as the soul-consciousness vibrational level is incompatible with that of such beings, but a "human" soul-consciousness may partially incarnate some of its soul essence, a portion of it, to have an experience as a animal such as a dog, cat, bird, etc. Earth animals other than the human animal, the human being, do not have the same type of planetary soul agreement and purpose to eventually become "self-realized," although dolphins are an exception, as they have an intelligence similar to human in many ways, psychologically speaking, but much more in tune with themselves than most humans are with themselves.

Also, in most cases of reincarnation, there is a period of rest and further learning between incarnations, in various less-physical, less-dense vibrational dimensions, except in rare cases where a soul has already agreed to "jump" right into another human experience and instantly reincarnate after physical death, which can also occur. And the incarnating soul-essence is part of a larger soul that is sometimes called an "oversoul."

Very much like watching a movie on a movie screen, the soul-consciousness also is a "projector," projecting images billions of times per second on the screen of consciousness, giving the mind a perceptual illusion of linear time, which is simply a "soul movie." In fact, the (re-)invention of cinema came from the Universal Mind, inspired through the soul-consciousness of the Higher Selves of its "inventors." (The name "Universal Studios" also was inspired from the same Cosmic Consciousness or Universal Mind. These ideas, as all ideas, always existed.)

[As a note, I estimate 88 to 89% "accuracy" in the above material in terms of its reflection of my "Higher Self" understanding of these subjects, in accordance to my attunement to Divine Love.]

(To be continued...) :)

Last edited by Caleb : 24-08-2015 at 06:18 AM.
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