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Old 05-04-2020, 03:56 PM
Jyotir Jyotir is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 1,847
Originally Posted by kays.
Hello everyone,

I was not raised in a religious household, but my mom believes in God and from time to time, she prays with a Bible.

I personally do not attach myself with any religion, but I believe in something bigger and larger than me and this Earth, without being able to represent it concretely.

I do pray sometimes, with a candle, but with my own words. I speak to my angels and I hope they hear me. My religion is my intuition, because it allows me to be free in my actions, and thoughts, in my own way.

Is there a name for the way I "practice"?

You are on the Way.
Just keep going....

~ J

p.s. they do hear you, so use that intuition to hear/see and importantly, feel the response

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