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Old 23-03-2012, 04:43 PM
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Terra, the

Thanks to silent whisper for his appreciation

The planetary heart

is the origin of all archetypes, the cycle that made possible life and evolution. The pulsation of that heart is the cycle of the earths day, the twenty four hour containing the opposing day and night whose characteristics are warm and cold, moist and dry. Evaporation and condensation of water is directly related to the systolic and diastolic features of our own animal heart. In the fractal vision, the seasons in temperate regions are another aspect of the mechanism in a different level of manifestation. We can there witness in the changing seasons the same cycle in a more elaborate way. Understanding the primal cycle, the archetype of origins, is the foundation over what the rest of my knowledge is built and from where I invite you to start your journey toward a different point of view. The oriental philosophy propose a symbolic representation of that key in the form of the circle divides in two sections, the dark yin and the clear yang each of them containing a small part of its opposite. The form of those sections are fat on one side and thinner at the other, to represent an important feature of the planetary heart that is the slow changing of the first phase of each aspects and the fast accelerating phase of the second part.
Thermal mass of coldness in the morning that takes time to dissipate and the warm accumulation of heat that stays long after noon, is more evident in the seasons cycle. This is the mechanism of the planetary heart on witch all living things built their organic systems. Like the foundation of a building the primal archetype was used to harmonize with the stream of natural energy, named by Oriental philosophy, the Tao. Fractal vision permits to trace relations between the source and the rivers that are all living creatures. Associations of cells in our bodies are possible by this principle of economy that is keeping energy trapped for future use. In the form of grease or starch for the living creatures.When we look at the symbolic representation of the planetary heart, we see the opposing life and death, the white and black side of the picture. From the peak where the white is in its climax, the decay slowly starts and for the archetype the sun goes down and the darkness of night inexorably gain power. Even in the dark side subsist some light, even in death there is life. This is the root or the seed and for animals the bacteria who can live in the most severe conditions waiting for the right conditions to come back. The ancient representation of the planet heart was not directly associated with the heart like I did using fractal vision. Therefore it was compared to the life cycle mostly apparent in the seasons of temperate regions. Because of those differences during the course of time, the phases are more defined, characters can be sorted in a clearer perspective. The four phases are, in the case of the figure, root, plant, flower and seed. All of what is born dies, brings the course of events that see’s the transformations taking place. Teachings are about how a certain event will develop under definite circumstances, making whose wise and informed predicator of the future. Being capable of preventing events to happen is known to be possible in the first phase of the cycle where the germ has not developed, has not appeared in the plant form. A child can be formed in the early stage of development, if bad habits are not controlled then, it becomes very difficult to act later. A plant that grows with a curve can be tutored when small but will break if forced to straighten when grown.
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