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Old 11-04-2012, 05:14 PM
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Originally Posted by res
I feel compelled to raise this issue in regard to people that will encourage accidental suicide. Meaning people that encourage others to take risks to better their chances at dieing sooner in hopes of returning to gods loving arms and this place called heaven where people skip everywhere they go around eating cotton candy and giving out hugs when you arrive at the pearly gates.

I have seen people encouraging this within these forums which reminds of a certain groups that encourage people to carry bombs into public places in some sort of sacrificial rite that will ensure their entry back in to gods house and carry out gods apocaliptic vision.

Do people actually realise that they are advising someones mother/ father, sister or brother, son or daughter? what if it turns out it is their own son ,daughter or mother or father that they encourage to take risks and succeed. Do they consider the persons age, mental health and responsibilities to the children that have been brought in to this world by them? I think not and i feel that a line should be drawn and that people that encourage suicide in any form should be banned from associating with what could be minors and unbalanced persons maybe even you own family in these forums.

They say that the greatest deciet that ever was, was the devil convincing the world that he didnt exist. If he did exist no one would follow him toward evil and rather he would lead you toward a lie. Could these people that lead others toward merrygo rounds and lollie pops handed out by supermodels with wings in the heavens be acting on evils behalf and the real deciet is that there is no heaven for those that have the slightest intention of taking their own life or maybe no heaven at all.

What actions can we take as responsible adults to protect the impressionable innocent souls on this site against people that will assist them in certain tragedy. Especially in this forum on death and the afterlife?

Do any moderators or admin have any suggestions? Is there a duty of care?

Do any of you fellow SF-ers have any suggestions?
I have had the same fears for a while I think to many people are hooked on the fantasy and not the Reality of death. Possibly a lot of EMO children replying also. or possibly people who have mental health problems themselves. I am afraid I don't see a way to screen these or teach people a more delicate way of handling these situations. I would recommend possibly a suicide thread and information like the suicide hotline-health and family resources and encouragement
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