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Old 04-11-2018, 06:07 PM
MattMVS7 MattMVS7 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 302
My musical tunes and their unrealized greatness

My Mental Musical Gift That Has Yet To Be Recognized

Note to Reader: This post has much more insight into my composing dream and even includes a Q&A Section. It gives full insight for the reader and is a much more coherent presentation/explanation of my composing dream.

Even though I don't know anything about composing, I have created really good tunes in my head for now. I have created a melody that, to me, conveys something awesome. It was a melody created through channeling inspiration. I've got down the right notes and rests to this melody I hear in my mind and I got the right tempo.

The scene I envision this melody conveying would be a dark character such as Shadow the Hedgehog unleashing a magnitude of energy. What you hear playing at the higher octave is to prepare the listener for what's about to happen next. It would be a leading tune that I think people call the "bridge" in music. Therefore, this part of the melody would convey Shadow preparing to unleash.

Then you hear things playing at the lower octave and this is where Shadow unleashes his power. This part is supposed to be the chorus which conveys awesome, dark, heavy, powerful emotion. Now, this melody is supposed to be awesome, catchy, and dark. It's not just the instruments I've chosen for this melody that convey a dark, awesome mood.

It's the actual melody itself that conveys this to me. If anyone tells me that this melody conveys nothing of the sort, that it's nothing catchy, that it's "ok," or that it's all musical gibberish or something lame/awful, then perhaps it's because more things are needed to make this melody coherent for the listener and to fully bring out its intended power.

You see, there's more to making music than just having the melody down and a beat. There are so many other factors and, as long as those factors aren't met, then music might sound like gibberish or something unpleasant for the listener. Only I know what this melody is supposed to be and only I know the awesome power it has since I'm the one who created it. Other people might not know because I have yet to find a way to fully convey the melody for other listeners.

Me knowing what this melody is supposed to be is a memory. In other words, if I were to lose that memory somehow, I would perhaps see my melody as gibberish because I would no longer know what it's supposed to be. This has, in fact, happened to me with other tunes I've made. The memory just didn't stick there and, as a result, I lost the memory and perceived my created tunes as gibberish. Fortunately, with this tune I've made, the memory is permanent.

I have also managed to bring back some of the memories of my previous tunes which means I'm back to perceiving them as amazing, catchy tunes since I now know what they're supposed to be. Anyway, I have this dark melody on a cd. But here is the youtube link to this dark melody. In addition, I will also give a link to the music sheet of this melody.

With all of that being said, I am now going to share the links to my tunes. These are simple, catchy, memorable tunes that are great and they all convey different scenes and atmospheres. Some of these tunes convey powerful and profound emotion. But said emotion might not be conveyed because these melodies might not be successfully conveyed in their current stage.

Nonetheless, I am going to share them anyway. I do have a beat to go along with these tunes which is a beat based off of the melody itself. Hopefully, this conveys my melodies. If not, then I would have to learn more so that I can successfully convey them later on down the road.

So, here is the youtube link to my 1st melody which is that dark tune I was talking about. It has some chords along with it. You just hear the beat at first. Then you hear the theme later on. It conveys something evil, awesome, and powerful. In regards to the chords I've chosen for this tune, they're basic chords since I don't know what chords I'm supposed to use:

(Note: In the Q&A Section of this packet, I said I might've gotten the notes wrong to this tune. Actually, I was referring to a previous version of this tune I made. This is my final attempt and I did my absolute best to get the notes right this time.

Again, in regards to the tunes I'm sharing, you might not understand them. Only I understand them since I'm the one who created them. I will have to learn more about making music so I can make my melodies understandable for other listeners. Hopefully, other people will be able to understand them as they are now though).

Here is another dark tune. This one sounds like a catchy, awesome, Halloween tune someone would dance to. This is supposed to be the chorus and this tune is supposed to repeat (although, I just had it play one time). The chorus repeats which is why this tune is supposed to repeat:

Here is a link to a new tune I recently made. I think it's a very good one. It conveys a strong, dramatic emotion and is catchy. It has chords and there is also a pattern to this tune because it alternates between something playing in the treble clef and something playing in the bass clef. Here is the youtube link to this tune:

Now, here is a link to a different tune. This tune is supposed to convey something bizarre and mysterious such as being all alone in a far away distant time period or galaxy:

Here is a link to that same tune, but with a different choice of instruments that I like:

Here is that same tune. But slowed down and added to a scene in Sonic the Hedgehog. The slow version sounds sort of creepy/ominous which is the reason why I have added it to this scene:

Here is a link to a short, simple, catchy melody:

Here is a link to a bit of a weird tune I made:

Here is a Super Mario Galaxy 2 tune I made which would convey the scene of Mario obtaining the Grand Green Star. In Super Mario Galaxy 2, Mario collects yellow stars and then he collects the big yellow stars known as the Grand Stars. Later on in the game, you start to collect green stars.

But there is no Grand Green Star in that game. Therefore, I have come up with this theme which expresses Mario obtaining the Grand Green Star which would be a special, secret, hidden star. I first have the melody in basic piano form so that the notes of this melody can be distinctly heard:

From there, I have the Super Mario Galaxy 2 tune with more suitable instruments:

Here is a lovely tune which I think would be a full theme song:

Here is a beautiful, catchy tune that I think many people would really love:

Lastly, here is a tune that's also really good which would be a haunting tune. I haven't chosen the perfectly suitable instruments for this tune. But I think the instrument choice should be good enough. The instrument that would play the melody would be the eerie type of instrument you hear playing in the X-Files theme song.

But I would prefer a choir instrument to play the melody. It would have to be an eerie choir that conveys the same type of vibe of the eerie instrument in the X-Files theme. Anyway, this melody is catchy, memorable, and great like the rest of my tunes and it conveys profound horror:

Now, here is the soundcloud links to all of those tunes I've just presented to you:

Lastly, here is a link to the music sheets of my tunes so you can see what types of notes and rests I've chosen:

I am actually going to point out the music sheet of one of my tunes which would be the Super Mario Galaxy tune. I have circled the pattern of notes I see in that tune which proves I'm not just coming up with melodies with randomly placed notes or, what I like to call, just plain ruckus. What's interesting is that I did not sit there and think of a pattern of notes. Rather, this melody came to me through pure inspiration alone and, sure enough, I discovered that this inspired melody actually has a pattern of notes to it.

This means my brain can create great, catchy tunes through pure inspiration alone with no intellectualizing before hand. Of course, I do think of certain scenes to be inspired by in order to come up with these melodies. But I do not sit there and think what notes I should use to convey whatever scene, character, or atmosphere I want to convey. I let the inspiration alone create the music. It's no different than how artists say they let the inspiration alone create the work of art. Whenever I feel positively inspired, I let that emotion create the music.

Koji Kondo is the composer for video games such as Super Mario and The Legend of Zelda. Now, this Super Mario Galaxy tune I made is something I think is just as great and catchy as any one of Koji's tunes (but might not sound good or catchy in its current, beginning stage of development). There are certain tunes Koji Kondo makes which are short tunes. An example would be the tune you hear when Mario obtains the Grand Star in Super Mario Galaxy 2. I have created my own tune to express that scene and I think it's just as good as any one of Koji's tunes.

That might sound arrogant of me. But, if I was truly arrogant, then I would be saying it's a fact that the tunes I'm creating in my mind are just as good as Koji's tunes. I'm not saying it's a fact. I am merely keeping an open mind to this possibility. I have every reason to keep an open mind to this because, from what it sounds like, this tune really does sound just as good and catchy as one of Koji's tunes. I have suspended all factors that would make an inflated judgment and I have honestly judged this tune to be just as good and catchy as one of his tunes.

If someone else made this tune and fully crafted it, then I would see it as being just as good as Koji's tunes. Whether this is just a **** tune and it's simply my lack of knowledge and experience rendering me unable to tell the difference between a **** tune from a really good one has yet to be determined. Like I said before, only time will tell and it's only when I successfully convey/fully develop this tune would it be determined for sure if this tune really is as good as I say it is or not. I will say one last thing before I move onto the Q&A Section.

It takes a gifted composer to convey something great, catchy, profound, memorable, and powerful in one simple melody. I think I have that gift, but have to find a way to convey it. If there's any skilled composer out there who can convey my melodies, then I would tell them to feel free to convey them. I will show them the music sheets to my tunes and they can get to work. But, if it's really the case that only I can convey these melodies since I know what they are, then I'll have to forget about others conveying my melodies for me.

Q&A Section

Other Person's Response: You've got to be joking!

My Reply: I'm not joking. I really think the tunes I'm hearing in my mind are really good and that I have yet to find a way to convey them. I have every reason to think I'm creating really good tunes in my head.

Other Person's Response: What makes you think you are creating really good tunes in your head? For all we know, they could be **** tunes.

My Reply: As I said before, I have autism and it's said that autistic people are gifted. People who are gifted tend to be incapable in other areas and highly advanced in one area and I think I could be that person. I think I might be creating really good music in my mind that I have yet to share to the world. Once people recognize its greatness, they should see me in a whole new light. There is also another reason why and I explain later on.

Other Person's Response: What do you mean when you say other people can't understand your melodies? I understood the series of notes of your tunes just fine.

My Reply: When I say other people can't understand my melodies, I don't mean they can't understand the series of notes I'm playing. I mean they can't understand the power and meaning these melodies of mine convey. For example, if I just had a powerful tune from any given song, then people wouldn't be able to realize the power and meaning the tune conveys without the things necessary to successfully convey the tune's power and meaning. All they'd understand would be the series of notes being played.

Other Person's Response: How a person perceives music is all subjective. So, even if you do fully craft your tunes to make them understandable for other people (take, for example, that Dark Tune you said was powerful and awesome), other people might not see it as awesome or amazing. They might see it as being "ok" or just "Hey, I thought that was a bit good!"

As a matter of fact, they might even see the tune as conveying something entirely different than what you describe. This means that, for you, whatever this tune conveys in your eyes is your own personal truth/interpretation while, for others, their perception of your music is their own personal truth.

My Reply: My whole goal though in making music is to convey the things I describe. For example, if I say one of my tunes is amazing and conveys a certain powerful scene, then that's what I intend to convey. My intention is to create music that really strikes the audience.

Beethoven and Michael Jackson have achieved this because their music was powerful, moving, and profound to many people. It wasn't just the lyrics to MJ's music that moved people. It was the music itself that did.

Sure, there are some people out there who don't like their music or think their music is "ok" because not everyone is going to think a certain song is amazing and powerful. But, the fact is, their music was still powerful and amazing to many people. That's my goal is to create music that's awesome for many people.

It would be quite frustrating if I was one of the very few people (or perhaps the only person) who sees his own tunes as amazing and conveying the awesome, powerful scenes I describe. Like I said though, some of my tunes aren't that amazing. But some of them I think are. That Dark Tune being one of those awesome, powerful tunes.

Other Person's Response: Maybe that Dark Tune will become amazing, powerful, and will convey what you describe once you fully craft it. In its current stage, there's no way the tune is going to achieve its intended goal. However, even if you do fully craft it and it's said to be not that great and/or conveying something else, then maybe your assessment of your tunes is off. In other words, what you think your tunes convey and your judgment that they're awesome, powerful, and amazing would be an assessment that doesn't match up with reality.

My Reply: Again, that would be quite frustrating if it's the latter. If it's the latter, then I would somehow have to fix my way of assessing my tunes. I wish to see my tunes for what they really are rather than deluding myself into thinking they're amazing and conveying the scenes or characters I describe.

If I could know what my tunes actually convey and if they're that great or not, then that would give me a major advantage since I would know if other people would think they're awesome, great, and convey what I describe. Otherwise, I'd be all alone and and I'd be the only one who sees his music as great and conveying of certain scenes.

Other Person's Response: I agree that your assessments are off.

My Reply: Here's the thing though. I can give an accurate assessment of any given song. For example, if someone were to present to me a song or tune by Michael Jackson, I'd be able to describe the power, personality, and emotion it conveys. So, why can't I give an accurate assessment of music I create in my head? I conclude that, since I can give an accurate assessment in regards to other tunes and songs, that my assessment of these melodies in my mind is also an accurate assessment.

Other Person's Response: You're no good at writing music because it's all ****! However, you're good at writing packets. I think you should be a writer rather than a composer. Instead of writing music, maybe you should take up writing poetry or writing stories.

My Reply: Writing isn't the hobby I wish to pursue. Composing is my passion. One might ask why I've written all this material if writing isn't my passion. Well, it's because this is all material I need to share. I wish to express my personal issues I'm having and my views/philosophies.

Other Person's Response: It requires empathy to understand what music you create is going to be awesome, great, powerful, moving, and conveying of certain scenes to people. Otherwise, you'd only be creating music you think is great and conveying of certain scenes, but really isn't. So, even if you do share fully crafted music you create, it might not be anything great as you say it is.

My Reply: I do have some empathy because I'd feel bad if I hurt someone's feelings and I'd feel the need to save my mother's life or help her if she were in a dire situation. Besides, since I can understand the power and emotion of songs being presented to me, then why can't I understand what music I'm creating would be powerful, great, etc. to other people?

Other Person's Response: Are there sociopaths and psychopaths who've composed amazing, moving music?

My Reply: I'm not sure. There could be.

Other Person's Response: I'm a professional musician and I can tell you right now that, even if that Dark Tune was fully crafted, it's nothing good because not too many people are going to like it.

My Reply: Will there be other musicians debating against you on that? If so, then we don't know the real truth yet. I bet there will be other professional musicians and composers out there who might say something along the lines of:

"Give this man a chance! He could have something great here and all of you are being ****s! I would love to see this melody in its fully crafted form to see if this man's claims of greatness were true or not!"

Given this, I see every reason to keep an open mind. I could have something great in my head as I say. But, then again, it could be garbage.

Other Person's Response: Do you have any way to show that we're just being ****s?

My Reply: This is a video of a song from Sonic the Hedgehog. It's called the Scrap Brain Zone theme. I will show you the video:

You can hear the melody along with all the other musical elements that go with that melody. Now, if I just took the melody that goes from 0:04-0:17 and presented that like how I've presented my melodies, then I bet there will be people who'd say this melody is nothing great, it's ****, conveys nothing, etc. (that is, if these people have never heard the Scrap Brain Zone theme. If they've already heard it, then they'd know what it is just from me sharing the melody).

Even though the melody is simple, does repeat, and there's just a bit of variation at the end when it gets to 0:17, these people would be blind to the melody's greatness, personality, and memorable quality to claim it's garbage. But, once I share the fully crafted melody in that video to these people, I bet they'd now say it's something good and catchy. Take note that I'm not talking about the whole song here. Just that short portion that goes from 0:04-0:17.

Since these people would be blind to this melody's greatness, then they could be blind to the greatness of my melodies. Once I fully craft my melodies, then I bet people would realize they're something great, too. So, I think the melodies I've presented are great and it's simply the way I've presented them that renders people bashing them. I have to present them in their fully crafted form for their greatness to be realized.

Other Person's Response: So, you think your melodies are awesome and it's simply the way you've presented them that's awful?

My Reply: Yes. This awful presentation prevents people from realizing their greatness.

*Note: Part 2/4 of this post is continued below*

Last edited by MattMVS7 : 04-11-2018 at 09:48 PM.
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