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Old 14-02-2019, 09:28 AM
Shivani Devi Shivani Devi is offline
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Originally Posted by NoOne
I am not a Jew or a Christian, but the Biblical view of humans having to sacrifice everything in their lives for a higher purpose does seem to be accurate. I take Gopi Krishna’s view here, in that Spiritual awakening, especially as it relates to Kundalini, is an evolutionary mechanism. It is meant to create a new, „enlightened” species so to speak, that is connected to a higher power on a constant basis and through its connection to Heaven and the constant stream of Soma that enters the body after an awakening, it transforms the human into a higher life form, slowly, over a lifetime. All evolutionary leaps involve sacrifice and suffering. Even childbirth is painful, for both the mother and the baby, even traumatic actually. It is naive in the extreme to expect to take a huge evolutionary leap without making some major sacrifices on the way. That is why New Age has never resonated with me. It is fake as Hell.

However I don’t think this is a sadistic game by „God”, unless of course you believe that the Biblical God is the Demiurge. In that context, it would certainly make sense.

The Higher beings I’m in contact with all want humanity to rise up from the mud, so to speak. They want us to become like them, multi-dimensional light beings. That transformation just isn’t possible without pain, sacrifice and suffering, but I do find that they moderate these to make them just about bearable for everyone, based on your own pain threshold. I suffered a lot, but it never affected me at my core, because I knew it was necessary and that the pain was worth it in the end. You could say I was indifferent to my own suffering and saw it as an outside observer, from the point of view of the Wisdom of my higher Self. My Ego whined about it all the time of course, but I learnt to ignore the squeaky little voice that is never happy with anything and just complains and whines all the time. You just have to tune it out.

That is a very Judeo-Christian idea and maybe it’s true, who knows. There are some similar ideas in Hinduism, in terms of the value of personal sacrifice. Buddhists however see suffering as unnecessary and the very objectice of their philosophy is to remove it. This mellower approach appeals to me, personally.
Of course.

Being born and raised into a Christian society still has its many subconscious indoctrination biases, despite the fact that this "package" has an alternate religious affiliation label which is also non commensurate with a transcendental consciousness.

When we discuss "New Age" or "Spirituality", these are also Westernised concepts of Eastern traditions, which must compete/interact with the "base values" of Western society, which is STILL Abrahamic or Judaic...and so, "consciousness" must have the term "Christ" attached to it (Christ Consciousness) to make it a distinct entity and variety from the "Consciousness" that has been described by Hinduism or Buddhism...It is all just a "label" to make people feel better in their attempts to incorporate that into Christianity from a one-sided perspective (because we both know that fundamental Christianity isn't going to have a bar of it either).

Personally..very personally, I believe that God IS the Demiurge and this either comes from Jahweh destroying the world by flood and/or me worshiping God in His destructive aspect as Lord Shiva...This does not mean that I believe that God does not love or is not compassionate...On the contrary, I believe that it is because of His love and compassion that He DOES this, but others who are directly affected by it are too emotionally invested to see it that way....thus He plays with us in the same way as we would play with a character in The Sims... it's just that our "expansion packs" keep changing. It really is a stretch to believe that we are autonomous in any way..

This is just MY personal view though and it may be right/wrong, who cares? All I know is that it is no more right/wrong than anybody else's viewpoint.
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