Thread: Green tea
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Old 22-03-2013, 03:19 PM
Louisa Louisa is offline
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 1,810
Hi Berry. I always like to tell people about these things, but many people don't want to know, because either they don't believe or they're too overwhelmed by all the things they might have to worry about (and I understand that too, sometimes sources contradict one another and it seems like every last thing is contaminated and who knows which contaminants are wors(e/t)... lol Many chemicals haven't been studied enough to really say). My life has been transformed by these kinds of information and for the first 20 years of my life I never knew why I had so many health problems or that I could even do anything about it. Never heard of chemical sensitivities. A serendipitous environmental sociology class informed and made me paranoid too. lol In a good way.

But I do like sharing this kind of info online on forums and such. There its easier to take it or leave it. I find it very useful, and when I track my symptoms I often find that I feel much better after removing such types of things from my diet (but there are exceptions). Sadly, so much is unregulated or self-regulated by the industries, so there can be conflicts of interest. (often worse regulated in third world countries, no surprise) Chemicals are often used before being tested adequately, or at all. Since I am somewhat sensitive and allergic to many things, I am always finding myself feeling out of it or achy or lethargic, even when I eat things that are supposed to be healthy, so I'm always trying to weed through the possible things that might be bothering me and look for more information about it. It is continual and slow progress, and since so much is poorly regulated, I am not sure I'll ever get it all in balance, but over the years, my health has greatly improved due to this effort and experimentation.

Here is a site that the article I read referenced. You can search for a given food or an adulterant. (The article that I read a little while ago was from msn)
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