Thread: Outdated?
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Old 14-04-2019, 08:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Shivani Devi
What is "dated" and what is "outdated" are moot concepts for anybody who believes in or lives in "the eternal present" or in "the NOW". I always love the backstepping that spiritual people do when one belief is in direct conflict with another.

Religion isn't all about war mongering in the name of a's also amusing how people tend to overgeneralise towards the more fanatic and fringe element. If anything, religion is an institution created for those of similar faith to be in the company of like minded individuals..nothing more, nothing less.

However, society has a knack for discrediting a whole institution - believing that the ONLY religions which really "matter" are the Abrahamic ones (seeing as how they are the ones with the worst track record) and create a whole anti-religion campaign all wrapped up in a neat little package and marketed towards a gullible society...which doesn't include the 1.3 billion Hindus living on the Indian Subcontinent, nor the 0.5 billion Buddhists living there and elsewhere either...
So where does Spiritual development sit in "the eternal present?" Tolle says that the Now is all there is, the past is memory and the future is expectation so is Spiritual development a contradiction to Spiritual Truth (because after all it comes from Eckhart Tolle) or is it ironic because you have to be Spiritually developed enough to Live in the Now? If there is no time and all of time affects all of time all of the time then... what? I never did like causality loops much. But this is another reason why Joe Public doesn't like Spirituality - frankly it's a contradictory mess sometimes and beliefs are only truths when they're in glass cases.

I walked away from Christianity because in my town the people that went to church on Sunday were hypocrites - they were the people that looked down on me the rest of the week. And I never felt that God was in the House of God, it always felt cold and empty. To me, religions represent mindsets and Spirituality is often no different.

Regardless of what religion was 'created' for, there's something very different happening today. Against all true Islamic tenets there are those that are trying to impose Sharia Law in the UK, and there are already no-go zones in large cities where ordinary people have barricaded themselves in. Yet they still take money from the government to buy food and clothes, pay their rent etc... This is the face of religion that most people see - not what goes on behind closed doors. What's been in the news is that the Saudis have decided that stoning people for homosexuality is the law. Religion has become just another excuse to cause conflict and murder - and even genocide - to many. I can't believe in a religion that does that, yet I'll happily sit and watch a YouTube of a woman who is telling of how the holy books had been re-written to suit the clerics of their religion, and how the doctrine is contradictory to historical facts. You can't blame people for not wanting to be associated with that, just the same way Spiritual people don't want to be associated with junkies.

The ones that want to find what they need badly enough will find it regardless, after their own fashion. Most people want an inner peace more than anything else, especially in this day and age and this is where religion and people can part company. Religion is often seen as being for those that want the rituals and the ideologies, and that has little place in modern society. You see, the wrong questions are being asked yet again and people are coming up with answers that don't make sense because of it. Maybe when people stop creating wars in the name of religion others might find their way to exploring something resembling a religious ideal.

There are some things that are just not meant to be institutionalised and people are asking different questions and looking for different answers.
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