Thread: Outdated?
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Old 13-04-2019, 06:18 PM
Shivani Devi Shivani Devi is offline
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What is "dated" and what is "outdated" are moot concepts for anybody who believes in or lives in "the eternal present" or in "the NOW". I always love the backstepping that spiritual people do when one belief is in direct conflict with another.

Religion isn't all about war mongering in the name of a's also amusing how people tend to overgeneralise towards the more fanatic and fringe element. If anything, religion is an institution created for those of similar faith to be in the company of like minded individuals..nothing more, nothing less.

However, society has a knack for discrediting a whole institution - believing that the ONLY religions which really "matter" are the Abrahamic ones (seeing as how they are the ones with the worst track record) and create a whole anti-religion campaign all wrapped up in a neat little package and marketed towards a gullible society...which doesn't include the 1.3 billion Hindus living on the Indian Subcontinent, nor the 0.5 billion Buddhists living there and elsewhere either...
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