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Old 24-10-2011, 04:26 PM
Posts: n/a
I can only speak for myself and my own experiences, but when we first met I could barely look him in the eyes because it was so overwhelming. I remember there was this ... glow... all around him. I know it sounds pathetically sappy, but it was literally like rays of sunshine emanating out from him, the heavens opening up and singing. LOL. Then there was a moment when our hands brushed and a surge of electricity flowed between us and startled us both... and it was that instant, that instant... I just knew.

At the time I had no clue about the term "twin flames" -- I just knew ... something I could not verbalize and it took me years and years to verbalize it; the whole twin flame thing only gives me a language but even it does not quite express the feeling behind the experience.

In the days following I started having visions and hearing messages and experiencing a state of joy and bliss, as well as a sort of telepathy in which I could pick up on everyone's emotions... all that stuff... this was NOT typical to any sort of infatuation/falling in love I've ever experienced in my life -- and I have dated hundreds of people and fallen in love countless times -- this was and has always been very very different. These things only happen to me when he's around, and I've had years and years to confirm that pattern.

My husband is a soul mate -- of the harmonious type. The universe conspired, through syncs, to get me to go out with him in the first place, as I was in no mood to date anyone and was sure I'd never want to date anyone else ever again. I thought he was charming, attractive and had potential and yes, he grew on me. But when we met, it was nothing like the sort of experience I had when I first met twin.
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