Thread: UFO photography
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Old 01-07-2017, 06:42 AM
Klaatu24 Klaatu24 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 152
Thanks for all your great words! Sure is fun talking about ETs. People have read/experienced so many different things about them.

<< I just think that this idea of our civilisation being one of war and hatred is something that is forced upon us. I have almost never come across a person that would not have chosen a peaceful solution if that was an option, or one that would not prefer peace and harmony over war, disputes and disarray…. >>

Yeah, I agree!

<< Have you ever come across the info, that greys or at least some group of greys, were actually very similar to humans and lived quite peacefully? The Dracos apparently conquered them and genetically changed them into a slave race of workers to help conquer the galaxy. Wouldn't that be a bit similar to our race? We are brought up in a hard conditioned world of fear and wars, already genetically altered to some extent to have genes of many different ET races. >>

Sorry, I haven't read many books about ETs. Most of the ones I found a long time ago, made the ETs seem so scary and unfeeling. That went against almost everything I knew about them, so I stopped reading the books. But what you mentioned could very well have happened.

<< Very interesting the info you have on their emotions. I can agree with what you say. Oh I am bad with all the names and races so sometimes I confuse things or say something that might not make sense. >>

Me too, I'm so bad with remembering names and races. I remember there were Greys who were very clinical, like doctors or scientist-like beings, who did the exams and stuff. The ones who came inside my home to physically abduct seemed more sturdy (this word doesn't describe them exactly), and able to handle rougher situations. Hard to describe. But the Greys who are so loving -- wow, it's like the love is so strong it wouldn't matter what they looked like. They're such beautiful beings.

<< I remember as well Alex Collier ( I do not know if you are familiar with him?) talking about how Andromedans are so puzzled by our huge spectre of emotions and that they think we are special because of it. Apparently, and these are Alex words, the A-s, like he calls them, have lack emotions as well, and the are supposedly the good guys. I was always puzzled by that, if not somewhat disturbed. They are not entirely emotionless, but they just can't feel what we feel. Almost like our eyes only see visible light, but cannot detect IR or UV. >>

Sorry I'm not familiar with Alex's work. That would be disturbing and puzzling. (Gosh, you're getting me so interested in reading about all this again!) I had a psychic reading once where the group being channeled didn't understand a lot of emotions humans went through. But they did have some wonderful info. I can't imagine not having all these emotions we have on Earth.

<<….Someone once told me, that they can as well make things like that up, and if you believe them you already give them permission. Or they would try to exaggerate on those contracts to allow them more then they are truly allowed.

Eee! Sounds like them. lol. Gee, they sound sort of like, some humans, eh? Seriously, it does sound like that could be true.

<<...Supposedly they can only tell a lie two times, and they cannot lie the third. It really sond fairy tale like, but that is supposedly universal truth/ law. So asking someone if they are truly a being of light three times should show you the truth. It might work with telling someone to stop attacking you three times as well? >>

Hmm, can't lie a third time? Gosh, now they don't sound like humans. lol. But seriously, it couldn't hurt to ask a being of light three times if they're really in the light. Thank goodness I haven't been abducted in a while by negative beings. When it did happen though, the ones I remember, I was scared out of my mind, and they really enjoyed that. Horrible beings. Thank goodness I only remember little bits and pieces of those abductions.

<< I have never had any negative contacts that I am consciously aware of with ET, so from my side it is all just speculations. I have heard though, that our own governments already have space fleets, and there is supposedly a whole another Earth spin off civilisation there in Space (Solar Warden) We supposedly colonised Mars already and also tried conquering another civilisations out there that are less advanced. This is important as well, because a lot of negative contacts and abductions is supposedly carried out by our own people as well, pretending to be other races or other negatives. >>

Sheesh, I hope we haven't already colonized Mars and tried conquering another civilization. I've heard that the ETs won't let us colonize on other planets until we're peaceful. Hard to know what's really going on. But I have heard that the humans who try to keep these things secret have tried to duplicate spacecraft, but they're not exactly like the ETs' spacecraft. Like the humans' spacecraft makes noise (the ETs' don't). But I haven't been keeping up to date on all this. I visit Steve Greer's website once in a while, because at a talk he gave once, I saw three ETs standing next to the wall on the side of the room. So, I know Steve's the real deal.

<< As soon as you would have a positive contact with benevolent beings, our people would visit you and give you some negative experience to feed you fear and make you afraid of any contacts at all. >>

At one of the UFO conferences a speaker Joe (can't remember his last name, Montaldo, maybe?) mentioned that people who were abducted a lot, the rogue military who're trying to keep all this secret, would know about you and would abduct you and use human-type things (doctor-ish type instruments to cut and probe you, and make you drink awful tasting liquid), to scare the begeebees out of you. When Joe mentioned the human-type instruments and awful tasting liquid -- a light bulb went off in my mind. Some abductions I do remember them forcing me to drink a horrible tasting liquid.

Joe said the real ETs don't need to use human-type instruments during abductions. And I remembered MANY times when I'd wake up in the middle of the night, feeling really sick and really nauseous. And I'd puke just once. After a minute or two (after puking), I'd feel absolutely fine. I always sensed that an abduction had happened that caused the sick feeling and puking.

Once, after an abduction, while puking once in the bathroom, there were two little Greys standing on both sides of me -- they were making sure I didn't get hurt while puking and getting me back into bed. Some ETs work with the "bad" humans that do abductions.

So, once Joe mentioned the differences between the human abductions versus the real ET abductions, that made total sense and I could figure out which ones were which.

<< My last dream was quite beautiful however. Lots of white tiny dots in the sky shining and slowly moving. Was having my camera and was taking pictures and filming it all. It is a very beautiful windy day to day after couple of storms. I think Ill go out summoning again,. Then maybe I will take some rest for my eyes haha. >>

Your dreams are so beautiful and awesome!

When you're in a calm mood, and feel that deep, deep love for the ETs -- please keep pursuing that (if you want to, of course). I have a feeling they're really already contacting you in your dreams, so that may be the contact they're comfortable with right now. I really hope that contact changes to a form you prefer.

You could also ask your personal spirit team -- your personal angels, guides and teachers, to help you with contacting the ETs. Also, Steve Greer would take people on trips to contact the ETs. I don't know if he's still doing this, or if someone else does it too. But perhaps you might be interested in doing that?

Thanks again for these fun and interesting discussions!
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