Thread: Satanism?
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Old 15-11-2017, 09:13 AM
DoublyVenomous DoublyVenomous is offline
Join Date: Jun 2017
Posts: 86
Originally Posted by Völvawitch
Satanists don't believe in Satan but in your own free will.

It's all about developing self-mastery and while this self-mastery can help you to succeed and it doesn't require sacrifice helpless animals or kids for that power. The sacrifices can come from within as life is energy exchange, for everything we gain we also give up something. There's also respect to self-mastery and freedom of choice for others, not just for self.

There are constructive and destructive people in every group regardless of which teachings they follow (if they follow) though. A religious (christian for example) leader isn't covert satanist if they turn out to be a murderer/rapist/spiritual abuser/drug dealer or anything; they're still supporter of their religion and they're violent, which may just have been hidden before. There's no outside entity to "own" their "sins". Similarly a satanist who would do such things is still a satanist who's committing a crime. Not everyone does this though.

It's not the belief system that makes one "good" or "evil", it's the way we apply those things into our lives. While having a common belief system may bring people a sense of security, would that security last if people feel they're forced to live according to something they don't feel right deep within?

Originally Posted by shivatar
It's a religion of humanity, by humanity for humanity. But not the best of humanity it's for the worst, it's not created by an entity that has nothing but hate for us... lol. I promise you that Lucifer would not give good things to us, he would give us lies and pain under the guise of good things.

If Lucifer had anything to do with satanism or Luciferian beliefs, he only allowed it to be inspired by his essence because it serves his needs of alienating humans from God. He sure as **** wouldn't give us something that brings us closer to God.... since the fall he basically has one goal, that is to get him self back into Gods graces. So long as God denies him, he has hatred for humans, when God allows him to repent then he will no longer hate humans.
All life is sacred, not just humans. While it's humane to be tolerant of difference (as we're all individuals and come with wide variety), I wouldn't love humanity either as they're the only species on Earth capable of destroying all life on it, which is already happening.
Love wouldn't exist without hatred, but instead of telling whether these are good or bad things, I'd say they're just natural parts of all sentient beings. So is pride; destructively proud person puts oneself above others as in sense of superiority and self-entitlement but constructively proud person is allowing others to shine too because one is confident in standing their own power and accepting that the only person we can truly control is ourselves.
"If you've ever heard me criticise you, double it 'few' times and then imagine me talking to myself."

Last edited by DoublyVenomous : 15-11-2017 at 10:41 AM.
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