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Old 10-04-2012, 01:55 PM
whoguy423 whoguy423 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 22

Thank you for clarifying the relationship between an object's momentum and wavelength... which is great for tiny objects.

I just want to clarify the fabric of space idea I pointed out... something which perhaps isn't very practical on the tiny atomic scale... but the fabric of space analogy of Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity is where the universe is made up of a (visualised in 2d) stretched fabric and the planets say... are like balls placed on this fabric which causes it to stretch and warp, thus creating the effects of gravity upon each other and whatever is surrounding the objects.

Obviously, the effects of gravity on things such as atoms are minuscule as compared to the electrostatic forces... but the thing is... gravitational forces travel vast distances!!! unlike electrostatic forces.

Something which travels vast distances can be viewed as ideal in creating some sort of universal interaction (constructive and destructive)... as seen between the planets in our solar system... the galaxy... the cosmos... and the entire universe!

I'm not too sure about the electromagnetic forces, but these forces can travel vast distances too in the form of radiation.

As to the relationship between these three forces... I have no idea... perhaps it is the missing link which ties together exactly how these interactions truly take place on the most basic core reality of our universe... I can only presume.

If we did know exactly how these three forces relate to each other... we could create artificial gravity... just like we can create light and radiation using electromagnetism... This could ideally open the doorway to interstellar travel... worm holes... motorless cars ... etc... Just shoot the artificial gravity forward and be dragged along.... nice.

Again... yes we don't diffract when attempting walking through doors because of the strong electrostatic forces within our bodies molecules... and yes... the wavelength of vibrations of atoms within our bodies are negligible... but ... a big BUT... there must be more to it on the tiny tiny tiny plank scale where there exists the possibility of multidimensional planes which all interact together ... no matter how weakly... still causing some statistically measurable influence... M-theory again.

I'm pretty sick of the everything is Energy... it's 100% fact.

I'm trying to tie all things together as interacting on some kind of universal/cross dimensional level. It's obvious to me it has everything to do with vibration, hence when vibration traverses... it becomes a wavelength.

Space allows the traversal of electromagnetic, electrostatic and gravitational waves.... Gravitational waves are still not discovered yet mind you...

Simply.... I have no idea!!!
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