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Old 17-11-2017, 01:51 AM
blossomingtree blossomingtree is offline
Join Date: Mar 2017
Posts: 937
My experience is effortless is such that you get to a place where even without having arisen, a thought or emotion is seen and dissipates. Of course, genuine Masters can live from a place of silence, and also be completely at ease in and amongst clamor. Buddhism is not dead Buddhism - it is alive and vibrant. Further, I reckon that mindfulness without inquiry (vipassana in Theravadan circles) leads one to a plateau - wisdom in the Buddhist sense is not attained. Ajahn Sumedo said that being nobody is still being somebody. Mindfulness is one part of Buddhist meditation but it goes far beyond that in both range and capability. I see now why inquiry is so important in most spiritual traditions.
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