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Old 01-11-2010, 08:37 PM
Posts: n/a
Wicca; My Feelings

Hi! OK, this is my first thread, so here goes.

There are people who don't think witches and witchcraft exists. That's fine; everyone is entitled to their own opinion. (Don't groan, please, I know everyone says that at some point or other when you're contemplating spirituality. Please think why!)

Then, however, when someone asks you what your spirituality is and you reply 'Pagan' or 'Wiccan', or whichever, they're all 'Oh, cool, what's that?' MAny people don't know. A surprising amount. Then you tell them that you believe in a God and Goddess and in Nature. They may be 'Oh, OK, a Goddess is not that different form a God, so I can deal with that, and Nature is fine and whatever'.

But magick? That is not everything. Wicca is knowing that our planet is part of us, as is the UNiverse; aren't we made out of the same matter that came created the sun, and moon, stars, and Earth? Essentially, aren't we made of the same stuff?

Wicca, to me, and so many others, is beautiful. When you find it, and it's right for you, you know why. YOu feel so connected you're 'coming home'. You are so attuned with nature, you love the planet and bide by the Rede...
I love Wicca. Without it, I'd be lost, and I'm not afraid to admit it. I'm relatively new to the Craft but I know whereof I speak.

These are just some feelings i wanted to share. I hope anyone who feels the same or completely different comments! Blessed Be! )O(
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